[TUTO] Scraper ses ROMs depuis ... sa recalbox, en shell ! also in english
ngpc n'est pas dans la liste des systèmes connus pour scraper
Hi, I cant get this to work. Have a rpi3 with v4 beta 2. Clean install and lots of no intro rom sets. I run the scraper. eg ./fullscrape.sh sega32x but all i get is an empy xml file containing this: <?xml version="1.0"?> <gameList /> and no pictures are download. No error messages while running the script. Please help
Bonjour, Merci pour cet outil ! Sur la 4.0.0 beta 2 ça a très bien marché. J'ai laissé tourné la nuit donc je ne sais pas combien de temps ça a pris et je n'ai pas tout vérifié mais pour ce que j'ai testé (et sur les plateformes supportées), tout était bon. Vraiment pratique !
As I've said before, thanks for this great scraper and especially because of the quick port for RBv4, but is there any way to make the scraper strip game names of things like "(Europe)", "(Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)", etc? "Just" like the ES scraper does? That would be killer!
Ive got a Raspberry Pi 3 with V4 beta 2 and im having the same problem as calle81 no images and an empty XML file also no errors whilst running, has anyone managed to get this working on a Pi3?
@swisstoni it does work on pi3. Have you used the 4.0.0 link on the wget ? @nachtgarm the scrapper is not a name stripper
Renaming is beyond its scope
HI, when i scrape my games, and restart the recalbox some systems are empty again.... i have well scrape nes, snes and mastersystem, but if i scrape n64 (for exaple) it will be ok until i reset recalbox... why? the same whit favorites... i save nes a snes in and no problem , but no with n64 (for example)... i think take all the files, restart an put the files again...
@Subs: You're right, but I thought, that it might be possbile to have it like ES does and only use the DB Names after scraping, but instead in uses the filenames. That is not a problem, or a complaint, but was just an idea for a possible enhancement of the scraper
As said before. Kudos for the scraper
i found my problem, it was my gamelist.xml... it is clean inside and have to say at lease: <?xml version="1.0"?> <gameList>
THANKS for this avesome Project from Italy ^_^ I suggest to
- edit english translation of the tutorial adding pi3 script. only in the french version the pi3 version of the scraper is reported.
- write was is scraper created for : at the beginning i thinked that scraper will automatically download every roms for me
Salut à tous. j'ai tenté d'utiliser cette astuce pour scraper mes jeux, mais ça ne donne rien. Ma config : pi3 Méthode : je passe par putty en ssh pour faire les manip de scrapp Comment je procède : Je copie mes jeux dans le pi avec le partage de connexion. je me connecte au pi via putty. Je lance les commande wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/substring/fullscrape/4.0.0/fullscrape.sh -O fullscrape.sh puis chmod u+x ./fullscrape.sh et ensuite je lui dis de scrapper uniquement les jeux contenu dans le dossier supernes avec la commande : ./fullscrape.sh snes et voilà ce que j'ai d'afficher : «# ./fullscrape.sh snes +++ Downloading and unzipping scraper ... ARCH = rpi2 -> the scraper (v1.0.10) will run on 4 core(s) - Downloading from ht tps://github.com/sselph/scraper/releases/download/v1.0.10/scraper_rpi2.zip Archive: /tmp/scraper_rpi2.zip inflating: scraper +++ Shutting down EmulationStation to avoid ES rewriting the gamelist.xml files ... Waiting for emulationstation (pid 268) to shutdown ..--- zx81 not set for scrapi ng according to commandline --- megadrive not set for scraping according to commandline --- scummvm not set for scraping according to commandline --- prboom not set for scraping according to commandline --- amstradcpc not set for scraping according to commandline --- gamegear not set for scraping according to commandline --- mame not set for scraping according to commandline --- gw not set for scraping according to commandline --- atari2600 not set for scraping according to commandline --- moonlight not set for scraping according to commandline --- vectrex not set for scraping according to commandline --- zxspectrum not set for scraping according to commandline --- nes not set for scraping according to commandline --- fba_libretro not set for scraping according to commandline --- pcengine not set for scraping according to commandline --- sega32x not set for scraping according to commandline --- o2em not set for scraping according to commandline --- atari7800 not set for scraping according to commandline --- mastersystem not set for scraping according to commandline --- fba not set for scraping according to commandline --- wswan not set for scraping according to commandline --- atarist not set for scraping according to commandline --- ngp not set for scraping according to commandline --- fds not set for scraping according to commandline --- psx not set for scraping according to commandline --- virtualboy not set for scraping according to commandline +++ Scraping snes 2016/04/05 20:21:39 INFO: Checking for new hash.csv. 2016/04/05 20:21:39 INFO: hash.csv "5db5b721700b9c87ec273a7820f917ce" up to date . It appears that thegamesdb.net isn't up. If you are sure it is use -skip_check t o bypass this error. --- n64 not set for scraping according to commandline --- lynx not set for scraping according to commandline --- gba not set for scraping according to commandline --- segacd not set for scraping according to commandline --- sg1000 not set for scraping according to commandline --- gb not set for scraping according to commandline --- cavestory not set for scraping according to commandline --- neogeo not set for scraping according to commandline --- msx not set for scraping according to commandline --- gbc not set for scraping according to commandline --- lutro not set for scraping according to commandline +++ Restarting ES ... # lvl0: System "favorites" is missing name, path, extension, or command! sh: warning: setlocale: LC_ALL: cannot change locale (fr_FR.UTF-8) /bin/bash: warning: setlocale: LC_ALL: cannot change locale (fr_FR.UTF-8) # » et il ne ce passe rien. et je n'ai rien de changer dans le dossier snes
Cela fait 3 jours que je suis sur le problème, et je n'arrive à rien. J'espère que des personnes pourront m'aider. Merci d'avance.
Hello le site thegamesdb.net sur lequel se base les scrapeurs est down... Il faut donc attendre que ce dernier soit remis en ligne.
comme par hasard xD. est il possible de changer de scraper avec cette méthode? en utilisant comme source screen scrapper. ?
avec ce scraper, non. Mais tu peux utiliser le scraper de screech qui lui se base sur screenscraper http://blog.recalbox.com/forums/topic/soft-universal-xml-scraper-scrappez-vos-roms-en-fr/
Hello, j'ai testé le script mais thegamesdb est toujours down, ça arrive souvent ? Merci pour le boulot en tout cas
Hi, I used this method to scrap mame and the terminal on mac shows this: +++ Restarting ES ... # lvl0: System "favorites" is missing name, path, extension, or command! sh: warning: setlocale: LC_ALL: cannot change locale (es_ES.UTF-8) /bin/bash: warning: setlocale: LC_ALL: cannot change locale (es_ES.UTF-8) What I'm doing wrong? Thanks
Hi, This method is working for me now; "wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/substring/fullscrape/4.0.0/fullscrape.sh && chmod u+x ./fullscrape.sh Then ./fullscrape.sh or ./fullscrape.sh systemname you can also do -u to only update art you do not have ./fullscrape.sh -u snes would update any art for snes you do not" But at the end still says; "+++ Restarting ES … # lvl0: System “favorites” is missing name, path, extension, or command! sh: warning: setlocale: LC_ALL: cannot change locale (es_ES.UTF-8) /bin/bash: warning: setlocale: LC_ALL: cannot change locale (es_ES.UTF-8)"
J'ai rajouter le scrapping d'autres systèmes. La Nintendo Virtualboy (environ 90% du fullset reconnue 17/22) et celui de la SG1000 (environ 50% en étant optimiste) peuvent être rajouter. Maintenant je comprend pas pourquoi la Fanicom Disk System (FDS sur TheGameDB), l'Odyssey2 (Odyssey2 sur TheGameDB) et d'autres n'ont pas fonctionner. Pour l'odyssey2, peut être un problème avec le nom du dossier ?
prejudice , and you can do the manual scraper downloading the screenshhot of mame ?
Pour tester ça j'ai voulu essayé de scraper la Gameboy.
Après avoir installé de wget, j'ai tapé
bash ./fullscrap.sh -u gb
et j'obtiens
No such file or directory
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