Recalbox 9.0 Not working FBneo roms
Recalbox 9.0 Not working FBneo roms
raspberry pi 4
1 ) recalbox 7.2 It was working, I updated to recalbox 9.0 FBneo roms stopped working giving this error and the roms do not run
2 ) I think it's in FBneo's core nuclien which only has one as default, no selection option.
3 ) Neogeo bios from green color turned yellow color.
Can someone help me
You need to update your romset, from 7.2 to 9.0 have elapsed a lot of changes.
@jorgemagana Sorry can you explain how ?
I suggest you, download an updated romset, but I can not write here the link I use. I think is the easiest way.
@Skylord All roms give this error when I open the game
I'm contesting the recalbox 9.0 that is installed on the Pi 400
It's from recalbox 9.0 that the error and bug in the roms is happening
Hi, you need to read this documentation "", the correct romset for Recalbox 9 is "FinalBurn Neo v1.0.0.03", google is your best friend
@marcosdss Recalbox is a collection of many, many emulators that emulate different systems.
Recalbox cannot make a certain set of game files run - or not. Its down to the emulator used, or, the latest update of that emulator.
As the years pass, literally every single emulator has been updated, or "forked", and as a result, some of the early "rips" of certain games for certain systems no longer work under the emulator.
This is unfortunate, but beyond the control of the Recalbox - or Retropie or the Batocera team.
Every now and then people need to update their romsets for certain systems. -
@RustyMG Solved by updating set ROMs
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