VGA666 + Argon One combo doesn't work; black screen
Hey, my VGA666 output won't work with the Argon One case, I did type the extra line in the CRT config file, and I can hear the menu music, but the screen is black. At least the TV picked up the sync, so that's something.
I'm using a Raspberry Pi 4 with four gigs of RAM, if that's helpful. -
@nm414 I was going to post something similar, but mine dont even boot. I have burned the pi4 image in windows and ubuntu, i it dosnt even boot, i dont have an hdmi cable so im not able to se what the problem is. It dont even creates the share partition.
only change i made is to the crt-options.cfg to adapter.type = vga666. Do you think you can share your config and crt config file to see if i can make mine boot please. -
@abispac Oh, I actually just flashed the image to the SD, added the vga666 line, turned the rpi on and waited for the file system to expand. After a bit, it just booted up, I didn't really do anything special.
@nm414 on mine i had to uncoment the hdmi thing on the pi4 line, cant remember exactly wich one, all working just fine now.
@abispac Can't find anything uncommentable, do you mean you had to comment something?
admin 29 Sept 2023, 00:00