Game cube games not detected and not available
I put a game in gamecube folder. It is an .iso format
I restarted a few times recalbox and gamecube emulator doesnt appear.
I have a Raspberry pi 4 and I thought that gamecube is available for this Raspberry.
What it could be my problem?
Hi, there is no GameCube on rpi4, there is no gamecube folder to put your isos.
@pitch64 "None" or "None Yet"? It's an important distinction.
I just went through the process of replacing my Retropie with Recalbox specifically because I wanted to play Gamecube roms on my Pi4. Recalbox is specifically advertised as being able to run 100+ different systems including Gamecube, though now I see it's not compatible. The page you linked doesn't specify if it WILL eventually be compatible or if it's just not now and not GOING to be.
I would like to know clearly if it's something I can eventually hope for, or if I should just wipe my micro sd and start again fresh with Retropie. If it's just going to be a waiting issue, I can wait. But if there's no plans to make it work, frankly, Retropie already runs all the roms I have/want to play, excluding Gamecube roms. So I'd like a clear answer.
@jor2404 it would seem that we were both swindled by false advertising. I'm guessing you google searched something like "how to play gamecube games on pi4" and found an article that mentioned Recalbox listing that it could run 100+ different systems including Gamecube, tried it yourself, and found out today it could not? If so, you're in the same boat as me. Mislead by false advertising.
@kraton "false advertising"? Please, we never told anyone the gamecube runs on low-end SBC boards!
We made a clear documentation about which emulators are supported on every single plateform. It's worth reading for sure! before making false claims
Gamecube is actually supported only on x86/x64 version. It might be available on RPI4 and we're working on it, but it's far from being ready at the moment.
@bkg2k said in Game cube games not detected and not available:
We made a clear documentation about which emulators are supported on every single plateform. It's worth reading for sure! before making false claims
Please show me the Link to this "clear" Dokumatation
If I look here
it says "Find all systems compatible with Recalbox!"
but it didn't tell me which Emulator runs on which Hardware.I have to dig deeper into the "Recalbox-Wiki" to find Information about the Gamecube-Emlator,
(Is that the "clear" Dokumentation you mentioned ?)
and there at last it's been mentioned that the Emualtor is only running on PC -
I think it's pretty clear...
No Gamecube yet on Rpi 4...
Not sure that the Rpi 4 will ever be powerful enough to properly emulate the Gamecube...
Recalbox never claimed to emulate the Gamecube on an Rpi 4.
Zing 10 Jul 2022, 11:29
admin 29 Sept 2022, 00:00