16 Mar 2016, 09:41

Got new raspberry pi 3 with original power supply, fast sandisk sd card and external HDD 2,5" 2TB. Choosing the HDD as external storage device on emulationstation does sometimes work, sometimes not. If it doesn't work, then the HDD is still chosen in the settings menu, but the space is shown from the sd card. The whole thing worked on a raspberry pi 2 with the hack for running the HDD without external power supply. Already tried to add "sleep 10" to the /etc/init.d/S31emulationstation, but without any luck. Checked the /boot/recalbox-boot.conf, but couldn't see anything wrong in there. Completely set up the whole thing twice with always the same result. Is there a possibility to set the "new" share in another place (like fstab in v3)? Thanks for your help.