5 May 2022, 14:02

Hi guys,

Nice to meet U. It´s my first time on recalbox. I´m making a vertical arcade on raspberry 3b+ and the image that I´ve downloaded (there was no so many choices on vertical) was recalbox.

It´s fine. I like to custom almost evertyhing. I´ve change a lot of things, but there´s something that I can´t find.

On gamelist, a little custom system icon appears everytime I mark a game like favourite on the left side. I don´t really like this too much, beacuse in a sooo small size, U can´t see the system. Just a "thing".

I´d really like to substitute by a star or something like that.

I don´t think that must be a "theme" thing because I have 4 themes and is the same for all of them.

So... I wanted to ask U if this is ordinary on this version of recalbox... if there´s something that the guy who made the image did, and in any case, if I can change it.

Thx in advance 🙂