8 Apr 2022, 06:53

I don't know if that will help but in the "mupen64plus.cfg" File search for [Video-General]
and set "Fullscreen" from "True" to "False"
or search
[Video-GLideN64] and set "AspectRatio" from "3" (Adjust) to "1" (force 4:3)

On my System (Raspberry Pi 3B+) my Settings for the N64 Emulator are:
Emulator: Standard (MUPEN64PLUS)
Core: Standard (GLIDEN64)

Look at the "recalboxconfig.conf" file
Under: "EMULATORS CHOICES" you will find this:

## N64 emulator is configured to display a screen with a 640x480 resolution (native n64 resolution)
## So you must use one of these video modes (DMT 4 HDMI,CEA 1 HDMI).
## If your screen is not compatible with one of these video modes, please check the recalbox's wiki.
n64.videomode=DMT 4 HDMI
## If you are using a CRT screen, please change the setting above with this one : 
# n64.videomode=default

and under "## Configurations generated by Recalbox" is this:


I didn't edit anything in the "mupen64plus.cfg" File

On my 1920x1080p - 16:9 TV I got a resolution of 640x480 (4:3) stretched to 16:9 with small black Borders on all 4 Sides of the Picture