Black bottom bar in N64
Hi people, I have one problem with GlideN64 because it's show a black bar at bottom. TV 16:9 Rpi3 Screen to 640x480. With others emulators works fine, I get a full screen game (Sorry for my english).
Now, when I enable FB emulation any game show in full screen but appears pixelated. If I disable it, games show fine but with the black bar...
Here's my mupen64plus.cfg (If anyone has a updated or better settings please tell me the changes, thanks!
# Mupen64Plus Configuration File # This file is automatically read and written by the Mupen64Plus Core library [64DD] # Filename of the disk to load into Disk Drive Disk = "" # Filename of the 64DD IPL ROM IPL-ROM = "" [Audio-OMX] BUFFER_SIZE = 4096 DEFAULT_FREQUENCY = 32000 DEFAULT_MODE = 0 LATENCY = 300 NATIVE_MODE = False OUTPUT_PORT = 1 SWAP_CHANNELS = False UNDERRUN_MODE = 0 Version = 1 [Audio-SDL] AUDIO_SYNC = False DEFAULT_FREQUENCY = 33600 PRIMARY_BUFFER_SIZE = 16384 PRIMARY_BUFFER_TARGET = 10240 RESAMPLE = "trivial" SECONDARY_BUFFER_SIZE = 2048 SWAP_CHANNELS = False VOLUME_ADJUST = 5 VOLUME_CONTROL_TYPE = 1 VOLUME_DEFAULT = 80 Version = 1 [Core] # Increment the save state slot after each save operation AutoStateSlotIncrement = False # Force number of cycles per emulated instruction CountPerOp = 0 # Reduce number of cycles per update by power of two when set greater than 0 (overclock) CountPerOpDenomPot = 0 # Save state slot (0-9) to use when saving/loading the emulator state CurrentStateSlot = 0 DelaySI = True # Disable 4MB expansion RAM pack. May be necessary for some games DisableExtraMem = False # Activate the R4300 deb****r when ROM execution begins, if core was built with Deb****r support EnableDeb****r = False # Gameboy Camera Video Capture backend GbCameraVideoCaptureBackend1 = "" # Disable compiled jump commands in dynamic recompiler (should be set to False) NoCompiledJump = False # Draw on-screen display if True, otherwise don't draw OSD OnScreenDisplay = True # Use Pure Interpreter if 0, Cached Interpreter if 1, or Dynamic Recompiler if 2 or more R4300Emulator = 2 # Randomize PI/SI Interrupt Timing RandomizeInterrupt = True # Disk Save Format (0: Full Disk Copy (*.ndr/*.d6r), 1: RAM Area Only (*.ram)) SaveDiskFormat = 1 # Path to directory where SRAM/EEPROM data (in-game saves) are stored. If this is blank, the default value of ${UserDataPath}/save will be used SaveSRAMPath = "/recalbox/share/saves/n64" # Path to directory where emulator save states (snapshots) are saved. If this is blank, the default value of ${UserDataPath}/save will be used SaveStatePath = "/recalbox/share/saves/n64" # Path to directory where screenshots are saved. If this is blank, the default value of ${UserDataPath}/screenshot will be used ScreenshotPath = "/recalbox/share/screenshots" # Path to a directory to search when looking for shared data files SharedDataPath = "/recalbox/share/system/configs/mupen64/" # Duration of SI DMA (-1: use per game settings) SiDmaDuration = -1 # Mupen64Plus Core config parameter set version number. Please don't change this version number. Version = 1.010000 [CoreEvents] # Joystick event string for decreasing the volume Joy Mapping Decrease Volume = "" # Joystick event string for fast-forward Joy Mapping Fast Forward = "" # Joystick event string for advancing by one frame when paused Joy Mapping Frame Advance = "" # Joystick event string for switching between fullscreen/windowed modes Joy Mapping Fullscreen = "" # Joystick event string for pressing the game shark button Joy Mapping Gameshark = "" # Joystick event string for increasing the volume Joy Mapping Increase Volume = "" # Joystick event string for advancing the save state slot Joy Mapping Increment Slot = "" # Joystick event string for loading the emulator state Joy Mapping Load State = "" # Joystick event string for muting/unmuting the sound Joy Mapping Mute = "" # Joystick event string for pausing the emulator Joy Mapping Pause = "" # Joystick event string for resetting the emulator Joy Mapping Reset = "" # Joystick event string for saving the emulator state Joy Mapping Save State = "" # Joystick event string for taking a screenshot Joy Mapping Screenshot = "" # Joystick event string for slowing down the emulator Joy Mapping Speed Down = "" # Joystick event string for speeding up the emulator Joy Mapping Speed Up = "" # Joystick event string for stopping the emulator Joy Mapping Stop = "J0B8/B9" # SDL keysym for decreasing the volume Kbd Mapping Decrease Volume = 91 # SDL keysym for temporarily going really fast Kbd Mapping Fast Forward = 102 # SDL keysym for advancing by one frame when paused Kbd Mapping Frame Advance = 47 # SDL keysym for switching between fullscreen/windowed modes Kbd Mapping Fullscreen = 0 # SDL keysym for pressing the game shark button Kbd Mapping Gameshark = 103 # SDL keysym for increasing the volume Kbd Mapping Increase Volume = 93 # SDL keysym for advancing the save state slot Kbd Mapping Increment Slot = 0 # SDL keysym for loading the emulator state Kbd Mapping Load State = 288 # SDL keysym for muting/unmuting the sound Kbd Mapping Mute = 109 # SDL keysym for pausing the emulator Kbd Mapping Pause = 112 # SDL keysym for resetting the emulator Kbd Mapping Reset = 290 # SDL keysym for saving the emulator state Kbd Mapping Save State = 286 # SDL keysym for taking a screenshot Kbd Mapping Screenshot = 293 # SDL keysym for save slot 0 Kbd Mapping Slot 0 = 48 # SDL keysym for save slot 1 Kbd Mapping Slot 1 = 49 # SDL keysym for save slot 2 Kbd Mapping Slot 2 = 50 # SDL keysym for save slot 3 Kbd Mapping Slot 3 = 51 # SDL keysym for save slot 4 Kbd Mapping Slot 4 = 52 # SDL keysym for save slot 5 Kbd Mapping Slot 5 = 53 # SDL keysym for save slot 6 Kbd Mapping Slot 6 = 54 # SDL keysym for save slot 7 Kbd Mapping Slot 7 = 55 # SDL keysym for save slot 8 Kbd Mapping Slot 8 = 56 # SDL keysym for save slot 9 Kbd Mapping Slot 9 = 57 # SDL keysym for slowing down the emulator Kbd Mapping Speed Down = 291 # SDL keysym for speeding up the emulator Kbd Mapping Speed Up = 292 # SDL keysym for stopping the emulator Kbd Mapping Stop = 27 # Mupen64Plus CoreEvents config parameter set version number. Please don't change this version number. Version = 1 [Input-SDL-Control1] A Button = "button(5)" AnalogDeadzone = "4096,4096" AnalogPeak = "32768,32768" B Button = "button(4)" C Button D = "button(2)" C Button L = "button(3)" C Button R = "button(1)" C Button U = "button(0)" DPad D = "hat(0 Down)" DPad L = "hat(0 Left)" DPad R = "hat(0 Right)" DPad U = "hat(0 Up)" L Trig = "button(6)" Mempak switch = "" MouseSensitivity = "3.00,3.00" R Trig = "button(7)" Rumblepak switch = "" Start = "button(9)" X Axis = "axis(0-,0+)" Y Axis = "axis(1-,1+)" Z Trig = "button(8)" device = 0 mode = 0 mouse = False name = "SHANWAN PS3 GamePad" plugged = True plugin = "2" version = 2 [Input-SDL-Control2] A Button = "button(6)" AnalogDeadzone = "128,128" AnalogPeak = "32768,32768" B Button = "button(8)" C Button D = "button(2)" C Button L = "button(3)" C Button R = "button(1)" C Button U = "button(0)" DPad D = "hat(0 Down)" DPad L = "hat(0 Left)" DPad R = "hat(0 Right)" DPad U = "hat(0 Up)" L Trig = "button(4)" Mempak switch = "button(10)" MouseSensitivity = "2.00,2.00" R Trig = "button(5)" Rumblepak switch = "button(11)" Start = "button(9)" X Axis = "axis(0-,0+)" Y Axis = "axis(1-,1+)" Z Trig = "button(7)" device = 1 mode = 0 mouse = False name = "Generic USB Joystick " plugged = True plugin = 1 version = 2 [Input-SDL-Control3] A Button = ""button(6)"" AnalogDeadzone = "4096,4096" AnalogPeak = "32768,32768" B Button = ""button(8)"" C Button D = ""button(2)"" C Button L = ""button(3)"" C Button R = ""button(1)"" C Button U = ""button(0)"" DPad D = ""hat(0 Down)"" DPad L = ""hat(0 Left)"" DPad R = ""hat(0 Right)"" DPad U = ""hat(0 Up)"" L Trig = ""button(4)"" Mempak switch = "" MouseSensitivity = "2.00,2.00" R Trig = ""button(5)"" Rumblepak switch = "" Start = ""button(9)"" X Axis = "axis(0-,0+)" Y Axis = "axis(1-,1+)" Z Trig = ""button(7)"" device = -1 mode = 2 mouse = False name = "" plugged = True plugin = "2" version = 2 [Input-SDL-Control4] A Button = "" AnalogDeadzone = "4096,4096" AnalogPeak = "32768,32768" B Button = "" C Button D = "" C Button L = "" C Button R = "" C Button U = "" DPad D = "" DPad L = "" DPad R = "" DPad U = "" L Trig = "" Mempak switch = "" MouseSensitivity = "2.00,2.00" R Trig = "" Rumblepak switch = "" Start = "" X Axis = "" Y Axis = "" Z Trig = "" device = -1 mode = 2 mouse = False name = "" plugged = False plugin = 1 version = 2 [Rsp-HLE] AudioListToAudioPlugin = False DisplayListToGraphicsPlugin = True RspFallback = "" Version = 1.000000 [Transferpak] # Filename of the GB RAM to load into transferpak 1 GB-ram-1 = "" # Filename of the GB RAM to load into transferpak 2 GB-ram-2 = "" # Filename of the GB RAM to load into transferpak 3 GB-ram-3 = "" # Filename of the GB RAM to load into transferpak 4 GB-ram-4 = "" # Filename of the GB ROM to load into transferpak 1 GB-rom-1 = "" # Filename of the GB ROM to load into transferpak 2 GB-rom-2 = "" # Filename of the GB ROM to load into transferpak 3 GB-rom-3 = "" # Filename of the GB ROM to load into transferpak 4 GB-rom-4 = "" [UI-Console] # Filename of audio plugin AudioPlugin = "" # Filename of input plugin InputPlugin = "" # Directory in which to search for plugins PluginDir = "./" # Filename of RSP plugin RspPlugin = "" # Mupen64Plus UI-Console config parameter set version number. Please don't change this version number. Version = 1 # Filename of video plugin VideoPlugin = "/usr/lib/mupen64plus/" [Video-General] AspectRatio = True Fullscreen = True ScreenHeight = 480 ScreenWidth = 640 VerticalSync = False [Video-Glide64mk2] adjust_aspect = -1 alt_tex_size = -1 aspect = -1 buff_clear = -1 card_id = 0 clip_zmax = -1 clip_zmin = -1 clock = False clock_24_hr = True correct_viewport = -1 decrease_fillrect_edge = -1 detect_cpu_write = -1 fast_crc = -1 fb_crc_mode = -1 fb_get_info = -1 fb_hires = -1 fb_read_alpha = -1 fb_read_always = -1 fb_render = -1 fb_smart = -1 filtering = -1 fog = -1 force_calc_sphere = -1 force_microcheck = -1 force_polygon_offset = False force_quad3d = -1 ghq_cache_save = True ghq_cache_size = 128 ghq_cmpr = 0 ghq_enht = 0 ghq_enht_cmpr = False ghq_enht_f16bpp = False ghq_enht_gz = True ghq_enht_nobg = False ghq_enht_tile = 0 ghq_fltr = 0 ghq_hirs = 0 ghq_hirs_altcrc = True ghq_hirs_cmpr = False ghq_hirs_dump = False ghq_hirs_f16bpp = False ghq_hirs_gz = True ghq_hirs_let_texartists_fly = False ghq_hirs_tile = False hires_buf_clear = -1 ignore_aux_copy = -1 increase_texrect_edge = -1 lodmode = -1 n64_z_scale = -1 old_style_adither = -1 optimize_texrect = -1 pal230 = -1 polygon_offset_factor = 0 polygon_offset_units = 0 read_back_to_screen = -1 show_fps = 8 ssformat = False stipple_mode = -1 stipple_pattern = -1 swapmode = -1 texture_correction = -1 use_sts1_only = -1 useless_is_useless = -1 vsync = True wrpAnisotropic = True wrpAntiAliasing = 0 wrpFBO = True wrpResolution = 0 wrpVRAM = 0 zmode_compare_less = -1 [Video-GLideN64] # Screen aspect ratio. (0=stretch, 1=force 4:3, 2=force 16:9, 3=adjust) AspectRatio = 3 # Render backgrounds mode. (HLE only). (0=One piece (fast), 1=Stripped (precise)) BackgroundsMode = 1 # Swap frame buffers. (0=On VI update call, 1=On VI origin change, 2=On buffer update) BufferSwapMode = 0 # Make texrect coordinates continuous to avoid black lines between them. (0=Off, 1=Auto, 2=Force) CorrectTexrectCoords = 0 # Counters position. (1=top left, 2=top center, 4=top right, 8=bottom left, 16=bottom center, 32=bottom right) CountersPos = 8 # Disable buffers read/write with FBInfo. Use for games which do not work with FBInfo. DisableFBInfo = True # Dither with color quantization. DitheringQuantization = True # Enable software vertices clipping. Brings various benefits. EnableClipping = True # Copy auxiliary buffers to RDRAM. EnableCopyAuxiliaryToRDRAM = False # Enable color buffer copy from RDRAM. EnableCopyColorFromRDRAM = False # Enable color buffer copy to RDRAM. (0=do not copy, 1=copy in sync mode, 2=Double Buffer, 3=Triple Buffer) EnableCopyColorToRDRAM = 0 # Enable depth buffer copy to RDRAM. (0=do not copy, 1=copy from video memory, 2=use software render) EnableCopyDepthToRDRAM = 2 # Enable pixel coverage calculation. Used for better blending emulation and wire-frame mode. Needs fast GPU. EnableCoverage = True # Use GLideN64 per-game settings. EnableCustomSettings = True # Enable dithering pattern on output image. EnableDitheringPattern = False # Enable frame and/or depth buffer emulation. EnableFBEmulation = False # Enable writing of fragment depth. Some mobile GPUs do not support it, thus made optional. Leave enabled. EnableFragmentDepthWrite = True # Enable hardware per-pixel lighting. EnableHWLighting = False # Enable hi-res noise dithering. EnableHiresNoiseDithering = False # Enable hybrid integer scaling filter. Can be slow with low-end GPUs. EnableHybridFilter = True # Use fast but less accurate shaders. Can help with low-end GPUs. EnableInaccurateTextureCoordinates = False # Enable LOD emulation. EnableLOD = True # Do not use shaders to emulate N64 blending modes. Works faster on slow GPU. Can cause glitches. EnableLegacyBlending = True # Enable N64 depth compare instead of OpenGL standard one. Experimental. (0=Off, 1=Fast, 2=Compatible) EnableN64DepthCompare = 0 # Render 2D texrects in native resolution to fix misalignment between parts of 2D image. (0=Off, 1=Optimized, 2=Unoptimized) EnableNativeResTexrects = 0 # Enable resulted image crop by Overscan. EnableOverscan = False # Use persistent storage for compiled shaders. EnableShadersStorage = True # Bound texture rectangle texture coordinates to the values they take in native resolutions. It prevents garbage due to fetching out of texture bounds, but can result in hard edges. (0=Off, 1=On) EnableTexCoordBounds = 0 # Read color buffer by 4kb chunks (strictly follow FBRead specification). FBInfoReadColorChunk = False # Read depth buffer by 4kb chunks (strictly follow FBRead specification). FBInfoReadDepthChunk = True # Toggle Fast Approximate Anti-Aliasing (FXAA). FXAA = True # Force depth buffer clear. Hack. Needed for Eikou no Saint Andrews. ForceDepthBufferClear = False # Force gamma correction. ForceGammaCorrection = False # Gamma correction level. GammaCorrectionLevel = 2.000000 # Set MultiSampling (MSAA) value. (0=off, 2,4,8,16=quality) MultiSampling = 2 # NTSC mode. Bottom bound of Overscan. OverscanNtscBottom = 0 # NTSC mode. Left bound of Overscan. OverscanNtscLeft = 0 # NTSC mode. Right bound of Overscan. OverscanNtscRight = 0 # NTSC mode. Top bound of Overscan. OverscanNtscTop = 0 # PAL mode. Bottom bound of Overscan. OverscanPalBottom = 0 # PAL mode. Left bound of Overscan. OverscanPalLeft = 0 # PAL mode. Right bound of Overscan. OverscanPalRight = 0 # PAL mode. Top bound of Overscan. OverscanPalTop = 0 # Dithering mode for image in RDRAM. (0=disable, 1=bayer, 2=magic square, 3=blue noise) RDRAMImageDitheringMode = 3 # Show FPS counter. ShowFPS = False # Show internal resolution. ShowInternalResolution = False # Show percent counter. ShowPercent = False # Show rendering resolution. ShowRenderingResolution = False # Show statistics for drawn elements. ShowStatistics = False # Show VI/s counter. ShowVIS = False # Enable threaded video backend. ThreadedVideo = False # Frame buffer size is the factor of N64 native resolution. UseNativeResolutionFactor = 1 # Max level of Anisotropic Filtering, 0 for off. anisotropy = 0 # Bilinear filtering mode. (0=N64 3point, 1=standard) bilinearMode = 1 # Settings version. Don't touch it. configVersion = 29 # Remove halos around filtered textures. enableHalosRemoval = False # Font color in RGB format. fontColor = "B5E61D" # File name of True Type Font for text messages. fontName = "FreeSans.ttf" # Font size. fontSize = 18 # Hotkey: toggle frame buffer emulation hkFBEmulation = "" # Hotkey: toggle force gamma correction hkForceGammaCorrection = "" # Hotkey: reload HD textures hkHdTexReload = "" # Hotkey: toggle HD textures hkHdTexToggle = "" # Hotkey: toggle N64 depth compare hkN64DepthCompare = "" # Hotkey: toggle 2D texrects in native resolution hkNativeResTexrects = "" # Hotkey: toggle OSD FPS hkOsdFps = "" # Hotkey: toggle OSD internal resolution hkOsdInternalResolution = "" # Hotkey: toggle OSD percent hkOsdPercent = "" # Hotkey: toggle OSD rendering resolution hkOsdRenderingResolution = "" # Hotkey: toggle OSD VI/S hkOsdVis = "" # Hotkey: toggle texcoords bounds hkTexCoordBounds = "" # Hotkey: toggle textures dump hkTexDump = "" # Hotkey: toggle VSync hkVsync = "" # Zip texture cache. txCacheCompression = True # Path to folder where plugin saves texture cache files. txCachePath = "/recalbox/share/system/.cache/mupen64plus/cache" # Size of memory cache for enhanced textures in megabytes. txCacheSize = 100 # Deposterize texture before enhancement. txDeposterize = False # Path to folder where plugin saves dumped textures. txDumpPath = "/recalbox/share/system/.cache/mupen64plus/texture_dump" # Use file storage instead of memory cache for enhanced textures. txEnhancedTextureFileStorage = False # Texture enhancement. (0=none, 1=store as is, 2=X2, 3=X2SAI, 4=HQ2X, 5=HQ2XS, 6=LQ2X, 7=LQ2XS, 8=HQ4X, 9=2xBRZ, 10=3xBRZ, 11=4xBRZ, 12=5xBRZ, 13=6xBRZ) txEnhancementMode = 0 # Don't filter background textures. txFilterIgnoreBG = False # Texture filter. (0=none, 1=Smooth filtering 1, 2=Smooth filtering 2, 3=Smooth filtering 3, 4=Smooth filtering 4, 5=Sharp filtering 1, 6=Sharp filtering 2) txFilterMode = 0 # Force the use of 16-bit texture formats for HD textures. txForce16bpp = False # Use high resolution texture packs if available. txHiresEnable = False # Allow to fully use the alpha channel for high resolution textures. txHiresFullAlphaChannel = True # Use file storage instead of memory cache for HD textures. txHiresTextureFileStorage = False # Limit hi-res textures size in VRAM (in MB, 0 = no limit) txHiresVramLimit = 0 # Use alternative method for paletted textures CRC calculation. txHresAltCRC = False # Use no file storage or cache for HD textures. txNoTextureFileStorage = False # Path to folder with hi-res texture packs. txPath = "/recalbox/share/system/.local/share/mupen64plus/hires_texture" # Save texture cache to hard disk. txSaveCache = True [Video-Rice] AccurateTextureMapping = True AnisotropicFiltering = 0 CacheSize = 100 ColorQuality = 0 CropMode = 0 DefaultCombinerDisable = False DoubleSizeForSmallTxtrBuf = False DumpTexturesToFiles = False EnableHacks = True EnableSSE = True EnableVertexShader = False FastTextureLoading = False FogMethod = 1 ForcePolygonOffset = False ForceTextureFilter = 2 FrameBufferSetting = 0 FrameBufferWriteBackControl = 1 FullTMEMEmulation = False InN64Resolution = False LoadHiResCRCOnly = True LoadHiResTextures = False Mipmapping = 2 MultiSampling = 0 NormalAlphaBlender = False OpenGLDepthBufferSetting = 16 OpenGLRenderSetting = 0 OpenGLVertexClipper = False PolygonOffsetFactor = 0 PolygonOffsetUnits = 0 RenderToTexture = 0 SaveVRAM = False ScreenUpdateSetting = 7 ShowFPS = False SkipFrame = False SkipScreenUpdate = False SmallTextureOnly = False TexRectOnly = False TextureEnhancement = 6 TextureEnhancementControl = 0 TextureQuality = 0 Version = 1 WideScreenHack = True WinFrameMode = False -
I don't know if that will help but in the "mupen64plus.cfg" File search for [Video-General]
and set "Fullscreen" from "True" to "False"
or search
[Video-GLideN64] and set "AspectRatio" from "3" (Adjust) to "1" (force 4:3)On my System (Raspberry Pi 3B+) my Settings for the N64 Emulator are:
Emulator: Standard (MUPEN64PLUS)
Core: Standard (GLIDEN64)Look at the "recalboxconfig.conf" file
Under: "EMULATORS CHOICES" you will find this:## N64 emulator is configured to display a screen with a 640x480 resolution (native n64 resolution) ## So you must use one of these video modes (DMT 4 HDMI,CEA 1 HDMI). ## If your screen is not compatible with one of these video modes, please check the recalbox's wiki. n64.videomode=DMT 4 HDMI ## If you are using a CRT screen, please change the setting above with this one : # n64.videomode=default and under "## Configurations generated by Recalbox" is this:
n64.ratio=4/3 n64.core=default n64.emulator=default n64.rewind=0 I didn't edit anything in the "mupen64plus.cfg" File
On my 1920x1080p - 16:9 TV I got a resolution of 640x480 (4:3) stretched to 16:9 with small black Borders on all 4 Sides of the Picture
Thanks Alvin, I change my settings with yours without any results (In GlideN64) tried the others emulators and I get with Rice and N64 Gles2 offscreen image in some games (pretty weird). Can you send me for private your cfg and ini files from mupen64 directory so I can compare them with mines? Or if you prefered I send my email in a chat window... Thanks for any help!
admin 22 Jun 2022, 00:00