Okay so after a few days of messing around I am now a little wiser, baring in mind im a completed newbie so this post may seem a little obvious although nobody (other than Alvin) replied to this post LOL.
So in your ROM folder you have all of your emulated systems, each system has a gamelist file, all the info is in there DOH!! so all I need to do is copy the gamelist file and the folder with the images in ... VOILA ... is it that easy .... NOPE
SO now im having issues with scraping for the images, if I use the scraper in recalbox it either hangs halfway through scraping one system or the screen turns black forcing me to reboot.
I am trying to use ARRM but you are restricted to how much you can use it, so much that after scraping half of the Amiga folder (1500 games) it stops telling me that I have hit my daily limit, even with an account I get the same response, so with these statistics its going to take a while to compile my collection.
So theres my update, someone may find it useful ... Hopefully 
PS - Loving Recalbox, its a great system, currently using it on an external hard drive however just ordered a Pi4 and building an arcade cabinet to house it