13 Mar 2022, 17:24

@smokinph03nix said in Rom Images From Scraper:

However ....

When I do that the images do not appear, ive had a quick look to see if I can see some kind of config file but im missing something.

  1. After you copy the folder, did you refresh your Gamelist ?
    Main Menu -> UI Settings -> Refresh Gamelist

  2. Since Recalbox 6 the Scraper always gave me Trouble in all Versions of Recalbox.
    I didn't know what's Recalbox 8 Standard Scraper is, because I'm still using Recalbox 6, but in Version 6 and 7 they used Screenscraper.fr.
    This Scraper is so slow and gave me a lot of Trouble to because (like they sometimes say on their Website) there are too many People there who want to scrap their games.
    The other Scraper the offered in the old Versions of Recalbox "MAMEDB" and "THEGAMESDB" didn't work well either.

So for scraping Games I'm using the ARRM Scraper
This works fine, because you can choose different Sources from where you can scrap your Games.