How to configure L+R triggers properly in Dreamcast emulation on Recalbox 8.0 Electron?
As I know Sega Dreamcast controllers have analogue L&R triggers.
I managed to configure them as analogue for my Thrustmaster Run'N'Drive Wireless gamepads.
However as I think they do not work properly. I mean triggers work zone is so small, they start reacting only when almost full pushed.
In emulator's options triggers and analogue sticks deadband set to 0%.
Is there some options to make L&R triggers work zone any wider?
Because I can't throw any freethrows in NBA 2k1 (somewhat 1 out of 100). Movements of the arcs for free throws are so j**ky, even with a decent player making a shot. -
As I can see, there are only a couple of options for the controller there, and I tried them all. Triggers aren't work properly still. -
admin 2 Mar 2022, 00:00