Update 8.0 and 8-way problem
Hi all!!!
3 day ago i have update my recalbox system where all works fine . After the update thw my 8-way stick dont run correctly ( only 4 way ) . How i can fix it ? Thanks all and sorry for my bad english, im an italian arcade fan ! -
@mbenjoy Buona fortuna...qui dentro non ho mai trovato nessun tipo di aiuto che mi risolvesse qualcosa...solo richiami a non postare lo stesso "concetto" su discussioni diverse.
@charger I understand your frustration, but there's no point in trying to demotivate other people who are asking for help, we're doing our best to help everyone, and I'm not getting anything out of it, so be a little more considerate and don't demotivate people who are asking for help.
The forum serves to exchange experiences and users help each other, you can try to help too.
@mbenjoy Have you ever tried to remap joysticks in emulationstation menu after upgrade?
admin 2 Mar 2022, 00:00