Hi, some Arcade games run via FBAlibretro, others run via Mame2003, so you have to setup both systems and add all the working games to the two systems. In the end, you will have 2 separate systems in Recalbox to play Arcade games, which makes sense from emulation point of view, but not from players view. I wonder if there is a chance to combine both systems into one new list/system called "Arcade" in Recalbox. I do NOT mean combining the folders or gamelist.xml files, since it will be a mess with the different romset versions, but simply reading both systems and showing a combined Arcade list in alphabethical order in the Recalbox frontend. It would bring Arcade games to the focus instead of the emulation system. Greetings, Duglim
Possible to combine FBAlibretro and Mame2003 to one list?
Hi, some Arcade games run via FBAlibretro, others run via Mame2003, so you have to setup both systems and add all the working games to the two systems. In the end, you will have 2 separate systems in Recalbox to play Arcade games, which makes sense from emulation point of view, but not from players view. I wonder if there is a chance to combine both systems into one new list/system called "Arcade" in Recalbox. I do NOT mean combining the folders or gamelist.xml files, since it will be a mess with the different romset versions, but simply reading both systems and showing a combined Arcade list in alphabethical order in the Recalbox frontend. It would bring Arcade games to the focus instead of the emulation system. Greetings, Duglim
Hello sorry for my english i speak a little bit. it is not possible to merge the emulator because each needs a particular romset but in recalbox 4.0.0 you can assign an emulator for each game. in metadata : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GkvGnG1MHrU
Hi Acris, exatly what I mean. NOT combining the emulators, but combining the Gamelists in the Frontend. I also thought that the new 4.0 feature of per game emulator settings may open a way to achieve this without massive coding. Greetz, Duglim
Totally agree !
- 2 years later
@duglim I know this is possible, but I am not sure how to do it myself. I have see it done in the xxxxxx. They highlight it here: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
I would like to learn how to do this myself.
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