I searched, but did not find anything about this. Are there plans to add an "Attract Mode" as a screensaver? Spec ideas: - After X minutes idling in menu, Recalbox starts a game automatically to "attract" players. - Every Y minutes the game changes - Pressing the Start or A button will end attract mode and stay in this game - Pressing any other button will end attract mode and return to menu - You can choose what games the attract mode should play -- Random from all games -- Random from particular systems -- Random from favorites If this was already considered any denied, just relete my idea. Greetings, Duglim
Best posts made by duglim
[Feature suggestion] Attract mode
[Feature suggestion] Preview Videos
Maybe already discussed, but I didn't find it. So just ignore/delete, if duplicate.
It could be cool to not only see a picture and metadata of games, but also a videoclip previewing the gameplay. E.g. xxx.com has these clips for nearly every game out there in 320x240 and 640x480 as MP4 files. I imagine this as a really cool and helpful addition to the menu, if the theme would show a games picture and/or the gameplay video. It encourages to test more unknown games, if the preview video looks cool. Greetings, Duglim
Latest posts made by duglim
RE: [Theme] Clean Retro
@deletedaccount said in [Theme] Clean Retro:
Salut toto, les mix d'images ne sont pas disponible pour l'instant car il y a un problème de copyright et je dois éditer chaque mix un à un. Donc dès que j'aurai une minute je modifierai le lien et ajouterai les mix pour UXS. Désolé du délais je comprend la déception.
Hi @deletedaccount , I returned to Recalbox after a year or even more. Found your fantastic themen and wonder, if you could already take a few hours and modify your UXS MIX, so the community and I could use it. It looks really great.
If not, don't hassle. You did a really great job so far. Thx!Duglim
RE: recalbox x86/x64
Thx for your answere. I would offer my time to try things out, but my skills on linux are not the best. I already struggle to open xrandr...
RE: recalbox x86/x64
@susan33 , many thanks for your hard work on the port! I'm currently checking, if this is finally an option to switch my cabinets and bartops from GameEx to Recalbox.
Right now, I have some questions:
I spent 2 hours to figure out how to change resolutions on the x64 version. It's running on a laptop with an external 16001200 Eizo screen attached via VGA. I can't get ES into a higher resolution than the standard 720p and the libretro cores also render with a 720p hight. Is there any way to have everything rendered nativly in 16001200 pixels 4:3 aspect ratio? Using global videomode "DMT 51 VGA" did nothing. And I can't find the config.txt file on the x64 build.
I noticed that the libretro cores do not show any overlay (Retro / Scanlines). Are they somehow missing or is it my fault?
While running Windows as OS on the laptop, I can switch off the internal screen and only use the external monitor by pressing Fn+F8 keys (usual laptop hotkeys). With Recalbox as OS, this button combo is not working and I had no luck switching off the internal display by messing around in the linux guts. Any idea? Maybe this belongs to the ACPI system?
Next I need to try is rom compatibility under MAME2010. Thats one of my major goals to have the 0.139 romset up and running smoothly, before Recalbox would be able to take over the crown from my classical MAME/GameEx cabinet setup.
Thanks for any help in advance and keep up your fantactic work!
I will also consider ditching the old Core2Duo laptops in favor of XU4s, if Mame2010 would run nicely.
Expect my donation soon.Duglim
RE: Error message on scraping
I also see this error message very often on my fresh installed PI3 with 4.0beta3. Never had this before.
RE: Pi 3 Bluetooth Progress ?
I do it this way. I notices, that my Wifi connectivity to the network and internet instantly goes down, once the BT dongle is in place. The Wifi component often cant connect to the router, reports a IPV6 ip address and other issues in Recalbox. If connection is established to the router, the transferrates are nearly 0 KB/s. If you plug out the BT dungle, everything is back to normal. Anyone else notices this behaviour? Was not the case on Rpi2 with Wifi + BT dongles in place. Only on Rpi3 with integrated Wifi and external BT dongle. Thx; Dan
The new Theme is fantastic!!! Also the first theme, where I love the sliding animations between menus.
I found the Atari 7800 Sub-Theme in GIT by myself, since it was not included in the b3 update. Â Question: Is anyone already working on a VEXTREX sub-theme? Â Greetings, Dan
[4.0.0 - beta3] [RPI3] LYNX not working
Hi, Â have the correct BIOS for LYNX in place, but no rom will work. 4-5 seconds blackscreen, then back to Emulationstation. Roms are fine and tested on PC, Region of ROMS is USA/EUROPE. Any ideas? Is LYNX working with you? Â Thx, Duglim
Hi, sorry for writing english. Read your post with google translate.
What I did in my NES Recalbox was wiring the LED to GPIO Pins for 3.3V and Ground. Including a 150 Ohm resistor in the circuit. So the LED is ON/OFF if the Pi is ON/OFF. For powering the Pi ON/OFF I wired the AC adaptor cable through the NES power button. Just cut the red wire inside the Micro USB cable and let it go through thw power switch. Done. Maybe this is an idea. Â Greetings, Duglim
RE: Easy Syncing of Saves & States between 4.x recalboxes ??
It#s a duplicate of this request, but it's a good one. http://blog.recalbox.com/forums/topic/sync-game-savesstates-to-dropbox-or-similar/ +1 for the cloud backup from me.
NES with Rpi3
Hi, I couldn't resist on building an NES Recalbox with the new Raspberry Pi 3 in it. The cartridge slot is still intact and paired with 2 8bitdo NES30 controllers, it's a nice package I think.
Power LED and Power switch are working, for sure.
 Also features 2 external USB ports for charging the controllers or KODI media. Many thanks for supporting the Pi3 so quickly. Once the integrated bluetooth is supported, I can also get rid of the USB BT adapter. Greetings to all, Duglim