Recalbox 8.0 - power switch led still not working and share folder not automaticaly recognize with windows
hello , this morning i try new recalbox 8.0 fresh install and new sdcard on Raspberrty pi3B+
power switch led
" system.power.switch=PIN356PUSHRESET #"
stil not working on 7.2.2 works so well ( i have report on beta too)
(manual and webmanager ) -
share folder not detect automacticaly on windows, need change drive letter on disk management , after that is show.
change audio output on webmanager not working
^_^ thanks you sorry for my bad english
- power switch led
Please check this part calmly, confirm that the physical connection is correct, you may have miswired at some point, or be using the wrong type of button.
- share folder not detect automacticaly on windows, need change drive letter on disk management , after that is show.
It's a Windows bug that can't be fixed in Recalbox.
@zing thanks for replay.
cable is good bcause i have another sdcard with recalbox 7.22 is works shutdown , reset and led works. recalbox 8.0 on another sdcard. i just switch the sd card and not work on recalbox 8.
but on recalbox 7.22 share folder show without need to disk management.
^^ sorry for my bad english ^^ thank you
- cable is good bcause i have another sdcard with recalbox 7.22 is works shutdown , reset and led works. recalbox 8.0 on another sdcard. i just switch the sd card and not work on recalbox 8.
See if what is reported in this other post is related:îtier-argon-pi4-recalbox-8-0- but on recalbox 7.22 share folder show without need to disk management.
Not for everyone, it's just a coincidence that it didn't happen to you in version 7.2.2, other users had the same problem in the previous version... It's a bug that happens randomly (not sure why).
I've had this bug on other devices that didn't have any OS installed (external hard drive and USB stick), I'm sure it's not a Recalbox bug. On my USB stick for example, most of the time that I formated it, I had no problem, but once in a while it happens (and I only use it to transport files).^^ sorry for my bad english ^^
Don't worry, I don't speak English either.
@zing ok thank you ^_^ i will stick on 7.22 until more stable version 8 realease
admin 2 Mar 2022, 00:00