Unsolved Can't build the beta, isl.gforge.inria.fr is down
I'm trying to build the latest beta with rpi zero 2 w support, but the site hosting one of the packages needed by the building process is down. However, there is plenty of mirrors hosting the needed file.
I don't know enough about docker and/or the build system to understand where that URL is pulled from, I tried some simple string search in the filesystem but I was unable to fix the issue: I found a file called isl.mk that contains the URL string but changing it to point to one of the mirrors didn't work, I think the file gets recreated every time I launch recaldocker.sh.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. -
@tonyrh Right now the Recalbox team is only working with closed betas, there is a specific team of beta testers.
Zing 28 Oct 2021, 22:57