31 Aug 2021, 22:39


what you mean "emulated acceptably" ?

By "emulated acceptably" I mean: The game should be playable, even if it's not at full speed (I don't know how this game performs in terms of speed, so I can't say if the game runs perfectly so I say at least should run "acceptably")

At Libretro - Mupen64Plus_Next or Mupen64Plus or Mupen64Plus - RICE - all 3d models are missing. At the Libretro - ParaLLEl N64 the game is stuck

Note that previously you had only given information about 2 emulators, and now about 4, you need to be as accurate as possible and give as much information as possible, I still don't know which version of the system you are using, and I don't know if you've tried the hard reset as I suggested, so I don't know how to help anymore.

Update to the latest official version, and if you already have the latest official version do a hard reset and try again.