X Arcade Dual Stick
I just flashed the image for the new Recalbox version and my X Arcade Dual stick is not recognized. To be fair I haven't updated in a while but I finally felt like doing it. The X Arcade is built into the the custom cabinet I made for it so I don't have many options for controllers. I have never had this issue with any other version, the controller was just recognized and set up easily. Has anyone else had this problem? I didn't change anything other than the image on the SD card. Thankfully I have a save of my old image I can flash back to but I'd obviously prefer the newer setup if possible. Raspberry Pi 3.
@zing Thank you. I unfortunately cannot still get to work. I did attempt to follow the instructions, as best I could, in that thread but I get nothing but errors in ssh. There appears to be a file I need, and I downloaded it, but I'm not sure where it goes or how I would even get it there via ssh from a windows PC. I did go through the web interface to recalbox and found that in controllers only PS3 was turned on. I clicked on the rest of them and found, after a reboot, that 2 controllers were detected on the pi. That is a step I guess as none were detected before. However, I still cannot set up the controllers as no inputs are recognized during setup. If there is any more advice you could give me to get this working it would be greatly appreciated. It obviously doesn't make any sense to proceed through setup if I can't get the controllers working. Thanks again though, I can use all the help I can get.
@dinkydinkypoo If the controls are now recognized, test them with the sdl2-jstest command and post the results:
https://recalbox.gitbook.io/documentation/tutorials/controllers/configuration-test/test-your-joystick-with-sdl2-jstest -
I did notice while starting this that the xarcade is being recognized as 2 GPIO controllers but here are the results.
# sdl2-jstest --list error: failed to read gamecontrollerdb.txt: Invalid RWops Found 2 joystick(s) Joystick Name: 'GPIO Controller 1' Joystick Path: '/dev/input/event8' Joystick GUID: 15000000010000000100000000010000 Joystick Number: 0 Number of Axes: 2 Number of Buttons: 9 Number of Hats: 0 Number of B***s: 0 GameControllerConfig: missing (see 'gamecontrollerdb.txt' or SDL_GAMECONTROLLERCONFIG) Axis code 0: 0 Axis code 1: 1 Button code 0: 304 Button code 1: 305 Button code 2: 307 Button code 3: 308 Button code 4: 310 Button code 5: 311 Button code 6: 314 Button code 7: 315 Button code 8: 316 Joystick Name: 'GPIO Controller 2' Joystick Path: '/dev/input/event9' Joystick GUID: 15000000010000000200000000010000 Joystick Number: 1 Number of Axes: 2 Number of Buttons: 9 Number of Hats: 0 Number of B***s: 0 GameControllerConfig: missing (see 'gamecontrollerdb.txt' or SDL_GAMECONTROLLERCONFIG) Axis code 0: 0 Axis code 1: 1 Button code 0: 304 Button code 1: 305 Button code 2: 307 Button code 3: 308 Button code 4: 310 Button code 5: 311 Button code 6: 314 Button code 7: 315 Button code 8: 316 # sdl2-jstest -e 0 error: failed to read gamecontrollerdb.txt: Invalid RWops Joystick Name: 'GPIO Controller 1' Joystick Path: '/dev/input/event8' Joystick GUID: 15000000010000000100000000010000 Joystick Number: 0 Number of Axes: 2 Number of Buttons: 9 Number of Hats: 0 Number of B***s: 0 GameControllerConfig: missing (see 'gamecontrollerdb.txt' or SDL_GAMECONTROLLERCONFIG) Axis code 0: 0 Axis code 1: 1 Button code 0: 304 Button code 1: 305 Button code 2: 307 Button code 3: 308 Button code 4: 310 Button code 5: 311 Button code 6: 314 Button code 7: 315 Button code 8: 316 Entering joystick test loop, press Ctrl-c to exit SDL_JOYDEVICEADDED which:0 SDL_JOYDEVICEADDED which:1
@Zing Sorry, forgot to tag you.
@dinkydinkypoo Try editing the
file, see: -
@zing Thank you friend, I really do appreciate this help. I looked at the links and will try some of the changes as time permits but I do have a question first. Keep in mind I'm not fluent by any stretch with Linux. I have enough knowledge to keep me afloat and barely competent, but I do my best. The Xarcade is connected via USB. So my question is, if I make changes to the GPIO settings (where the system is apparently detecting connection of controllers) but I don't have anything actually connected to any of the GPIO pins can I expect any results? Is this a system error? I will likely have a bit of time on Thursday to start messing with this I'm just asking your opinion ahead of time. Seriously though, thanks. You're my light in the darkness of not knowing what the hell I'm doing.
So my question is, if I make changes to the GPIO settings (where the system is apparently detecting connection of controllers) but I don't have anything actually connected to any of the GPIO pins can I expect any results?
file I mentioned has no direct relationship to GPIO. It is the file that controls the joysticks (inputs) in ES (emulationStation), whether GPIO or not.But regardless of that, if you modify some GPIO configuration without having anything connected to the GPIO, you will only have a useless change.
I don't know if I can explain it correctly, but let's suppose you have a lamp socket: if you press the button to one side the lamp turns on, if you press the other side the lamp turns off... And if there is no lamp, the that happens? The On/Off Command still works, but you don't see any difference when pressing the button, no matter the side. -
@dinkydinkypoo said in X Arcade Dual Stick:
get nothing but errors in ssh. There appears to be a file I need, and I downloaded it, but I'm not sure where it goes or how I would even get it there via ssh from a windows PC.
Hi @dinkydinkypoo, I’m quoting the part above where I believe the issue lies. There is indeed a general problem with Xarcade sticks in current Recalbox versions. The instructions you found in that thread are supposed to be a working fix (haven’t tested personally but others report success).
To help you out here, use a program called “WinSCP” to copy the downloaded file over SSH (SSH is a “protocol”, like the HTTP in your web browser). As far as “where it goes” on the Recalbox side, in Linux you use the ‘/‘ symbol to show folders. So something like /usr/bin/folder means you navigate to “usr” first, then “bin” inside that and finally “folder” inside that. WinSCP looks just about like the native Windows file browser so you should be able to map things out.
You will then need to use a program called PuTTY (spelled like that) to login over ssh and type the handful of commands shown in that workaround thread. Possible alternative here is using a command line smart phone app (e.g. Termius on iOS) if you have trouble with PuTTY’s interface. YouTube can be helpful here as well.
To be honest, if you didn’t do those steps, nothing else is likely to solve this. The other jstest info is useful but the Xarcadr situation can best be described as “buggy with workaround” at this point in time. AFAIK, there’s already a solid bug report sent to the developers (I’m on mobile now).
@recalboxfan1 Thank you. I'll give that a try now as I finally have a few minutes to mess around with it. It's been so long since I started recalbox from scratch that I completely forgot about winSCP. I'm familiar with it but I recently got a new PC and that's one of the memory lost apps I neglected to install on the new one. Thanks for the reminder. I'll let you all know if I have any luck.
admin 11 Nov 2021, 00:00