Some precisions by using http://recalbox/help :
- The 2 options "Stop/start" ES ou "Restart ES" does not work,
- The option "Restart system" restarts the recalbox and the next ES loading event is OK,
Some software / system issue ?
I would like to report an issue which happens only and each time i submit a reboot from Emulation Station : recalbox starts, launch theme video, display splash screen (recalbox version bottom left and the 4 pacman's ghosts on the right) and that's all...
Emulation station does not display the loading progressbar.
(by the way, recalbox is available by network)
Please note that this issue does not occur at cold boot (power on the bartop).
I tried to make a fresh new install of recalbox 7.2.2 on a new sd card (with balena etcher), and i got the same issue.
Any idea will be welcome cause i spent much time to isolate the pb, unsuccessfully
Config :
Some precisions by using http://recalbox/help :
Some software / system issue ?
Monitoring by Putty using the htop command, I noticed that this event occurs when the RAM memory is completely occupied. When entering and exiting games the system is not cleaning closing ES SERVICES. When viewing the scrap images/videos I also noticed this problem.
To reboot correctly just using the reboot command.
Thanx 4 ur reply,
So i start a new fresh install on a new sd card but problem is still the same.
I think this is a recalbox / Es Issue, it seems this will be corrected in a further relase :
MicroSD Cards 256Go
Test with an original, 16gb class 10 Sd card, and check if the problem still happens.
SD cards of questionable origin, of class less than 10, and greater than 64gb, are not recommended, ideally 16gb SD cards for the system, and storing the ROMS on an external USB device.