@marcus1966 - Turn on Recalbox, as soon as it starts you will be in the console selection menu, the "Home" of Emulationstation
- Press Start to open the Main Menu
- Go to network settings
From here there are 2 options:
The easier:
- On your Modem, press the WPS Button (check on your modem or search the manual, it's not hard to find, but it doesn't stay in the same place on all modems)
- Right after that, press the "WPS CONNECTION" button in Recalbox
Wait, the connection should happen automatically (provided you didn't take too long between pressing the modem button and the Recalbox button).
For those who could not use the WPS connection:
- In the "NETWORK NAME" (WIFI SSID), put the name of your Wifi network exactly as it is (ideally there are no spaces or special characters)
- In the "WI-FI PASSWORD", enter your WI-FI password
- Go to "ENABLE WI-FI" and switch to "ON"
If that's not what you want, please describe in detail what you want and why you're not getting it, it's impossible to help you if the most interested - YOU - don't bother to explain so someone can try to help you.
Does Your Hardware Have Wi-Fi?
What is your hardware?
What's your Recalbox version (say the version, don't say "latest")?
Did you build your Recalbox yourself, or download a ready-made image from the internet, or buy everything ready-made?