27 Jun 2021, 07:23

Hi, As in the subject: Screenscraper downloads the game information but does not download some media files (video, cover).
Looking at the GAMELIST.XML file there are ":"
<video>media/videos/Dance : UK eXtra TraX_53409a526c3542b933df9422f3ebc22b.mp4</video>
<thumbnail>media/thumbnails/Dance : UK eXtra TraX_164f2595a055828135b0307e3d5bcec0.png</thumbnail>
<image>media/images/Dance : UK eXtra TraX_765751b529b4359d08a94cb108ba26a3.png</image>

I guess that the file can not contain in the name ":" that's why it is not downloaded!
It appears only on some games.
How to solve this problem?
Best regards.