24 Jun 2021, 05:58

Hi everyone, i wanted to share something very weird that happens on my latest updated image of Recalbox on 7.2.2

I used to have a perfect image of the 7.2.1, that i could play on my Pi4 and Pi400 equally. I updated to 7.2.2, then modified my game list a bit, added this and that... then tested all on my Pi4...working all night.

I saved the image on my laptop, went home, burned it on a new SD, and boom...nothing seems to work. The screen freezes after the Splashscreen, like it is booting, but is does not move a bit.

I tried again on the Pi4, and same thing happens. No idea what to do, especially that all was working well on my other Pi4.

Is anyone experiencing this ( multiple system seem like not compatible...)

Thanks all