Hi, first post on this forum, I hope this is the right place, I've been using Recalbox for a while on an LCD screen and recently got an old CRT TV for free that I wanted to use when playing some old games.
I bought a cheap adapter converting VGA -> Composite to plug my laptop on the TV and it worked without too mush hassle.
The problem now is that the adapter I bought is kind of terrible, I can live with the pretty bad image quality until I can get another (better) one, but the picture is also cropped pretty hard, I don't know if it comes from the adapter or my TV, but it's there.
The TV I use doesn't have any options in the menu to reposition the image on screen, so I wanted to configure the overscan directly from Recalbox, and I found several tutorials detailing the process, but all these tutorials tell me to edit the config.txt file in the /boot folder.
So I connected to my machine via SSH, mounted the /boot drive as RW and tried using nano to modify the file. Except it doesn't exist, and nano just creates a new one.
I tried just adding the overscan configuration lines to the new file and rebooting but it doesn't appear to work. Overscan is activated in the Advanced Options menu, and I also tried the "overscan_scale=1" trick described in the documentation.
I could live with a little bit of overscan but it's severe enough that it hides info in some games, I can't see my money when playing Final Fantasy VIII.
Recalbox was installed on an external drive using the RaspBerry Pi Imager (I basically followed the instruction on the download page of Recalbox)
I tried doing some research on this problem but everywhere I look, it seems people have no trouble finding the config.txt file which I can't find no matter where I look.