25 Apr 2021, 07:16

Ok this is weird. I updated Recalbox to the latest version that just came out, and the overscan options still doesn't work (I also tried putting the lines in recalbox.conf in the /SHARE/system folder), as I can put really big overscan values and see no difference.

But now, though the main Recalbox menu still looks the same, I can see my gils in FF VIII !

I though the option only worked in games, and just didn't affect the main menu but no, changing the values in any of the config files doesn't change a thing even in game, it's just nicely configured by default now (only in game, but the overscan on the main menu doesn't bother me).

I'd still like to be able to change these values a little bit, so my problem isn't entirely fixed, but I guess the situation is now much better 🙂