7 Mar 2021, 10:32

Hi Gents,

So im running a Pi4, 7.1.1-Reloaded, 2 x 8bitdo SN30 Pro.
First problem was my pi could see the controllers but no connection. Tried lot of things and the one that worked was bluetoothctl command. Now I did that to both of my controllers, and they can work but they wont reconnect when just turning the system back on. Im forced to just type these commands in for it to work.

[bluetooth]# agent on
Agent is already registered
[bluetooth]# default-agent
Default agent request successful
[bluetooth]# power on
Changing power on succeeded
[CHG] Controller B8:27:EB:E3:E4:D5 Powered: yes
[CHG] Device E4:17:D8:C7:0D:6E Connected: yes
[8Bitdo SN30 Pro]# exit

Then both of my controls will connect without having to do anything else, but is there any way I can make that command auto run on reboot or start up so I'm not SSH every time I turn this on?