@132 What is your hardware?
What's your version of Recalbox (say the version, don't say "the last one")?
Did you build your Recalbox yourself, or download a ready-made image from the internet, or did you buy everything ready?
If everything worked and now it stopped working, something has been changed, have you changed what recently?
Have you tried to remap the control in the main menu?
Recalbox Controller Problems
I am super happy with recalbox. The first few weeks everything was working very well.
But for a few days now i have a problem: First everything is working fine, when i go back to the recalbox main menu and i close the current game with hotkey + start, i can open a new game. But now the problem: The controller will stop working. Sometimes the ingame controll works, but the hotkey seems completely disabled. I cant go back to the main menu of recalbox.
Can somebody help? Is there a Cache that i can clear or something else? Please help!
Please help! I need to restart the whole Pi so get the controller working again.... Thats so frustrating...
@132 What is your hardware?
What's your version of Recalbox (say the version, don't say "the last one")?
Did you build your Recalbox yourself, or download a ready-made image from the internet, or did you buy everything ready?
If everything worked and now it stopped working, something has been changed, have you changed what recently?
Have you tried to remap the control in the main menu? -
My Version is 7.1.1 (is that right? When i open the main menu this appears on the bottom)
I installed Recalbox on the sd card with the raspberry pi imager. The first weeks everything worked fine.The last time everything worked i startet the game and hit the buttons to go back in the main menu at the same time the game startet. Maybe that "destroyed" something in the software?
I didn't changed any settings.
Tried remapping, didn't help. -
What controler is it ?
When i restart the console everything is working fine. When i go back to main menu and start another game (or even the same as before) the problem is there and i can't press anything. Can't even leave the game, controller is not working. Only when i start the second game in a session. This is weird...
@DacK said in Recalbox Controller Problems:
What controler is it ?
Tried with Xbox Elite Controller and normal Xbox one controller. Both the same problem, both worked fine before that start thing. Both now have the same problem, so i dont think the controller is faulty.
@132 i have the same problem with a PS2 controller, thé buttons are good but the stick ilt's KO when i play , in the menu are good, sorry i m French, my English.....
@132 @yotony I don't know what it can be exactly, my suggestions are:
- Make backup before deleting any file that I will suggest, for security.
- Via Recalbox manager, stop the emulationstation, and then, via the network delete the file "es_input.cfg", which is in the path
(this folder is hidden by default). This file is what defines the controls, deleting it, your control will stop working, restart the emulatiostation via Recalbox manager (when restarting, this file will be generated automatically), and configure the joystick, and test. - Following the same logic as above, delete the file "DEFAULT.cfg", which is in the path
This file is what defines the controls in the retroarch, do the same test that I mentioned above. - Perhaps, trying to delete both at the same time, and then testing it, I don't know, are just suggestions.
hola,tengo recalbox 6.0. en raspberry 3 , quiero quitar los marcos ,overlays,bezels, como se diga, he mirado muchos videos y soluciones en otros sitios peo no hay manera , no puedo quitarlos,
que puedo hacer,gracias. -
@Zing ok thanks, i m go try your solution and give you the answer
@david1973 Your problem is not related to this topic, and you need to speak English in the international part of the forum.
Tu problema no tiene nada que ver con el tema al que respondiste, y necesitas hablar inglés en la parte internacional del foro.
Para eliminar "_overlays", realice el proceso inverso como lo hizo para instalar.
El Foro no admite versiones desactualizadas, por lo que si desea ayuda en el foro, realice una instalación limpia de la última versión oficial.
Después de instalar la última versión oficial, si aún necesita ayuda, abra un tema en la parte en español del foro. -
@Zing said in Recalbox Controller Problems:
Your problem is not related to this topic, and you need to speak English in the international part of the forum.
ok, sorry and thanks
Thank you for your help! I will try this.
First problem i got:
"path \SHARE\system.emulationstation (this folder is hidden by default)."
Really nice that you point out, that it's hidden by default. So now the question: How can i make it visible? -
@132 It depends on the operating system you are using, if you search google quickly:
Show hidden folders YOUR_OPERATING_SYSTEM
You will find several results, if for example you use Windows 10:
https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/view-hidden-files-and-folders-in-windows-10-97fbc472-c603-9d90-91d0-1166d1d9f4b5#:~:text=Open File Explorer from the,folders%2C and drives and OK.