Could you walk me through what you did that got Recalbox working on the 64GB card. I have the sae Samsung Evo icro SD 64GB card. I grabbed the latest release, downloaded it used SD card formatter to format it with size adjustment on. Then I unzipped recalbox, and placed the contents of the root of the SD card. When I boot, it just goes to blackscreen, I tried pressing 2 to force HDMI safe mode but still does not work. I also tried the pre-compiled Openelec Matrix image and it did not work. When I create the image with retropie using same SD Card it works no problem. Going to try what you said getting noobs 1.7 and just popping the recalbox OS version in just want to know exactly what you did
SD Cards Compatibility
I noticed something that should be mentioned... I ordered two 64 Gb Samsung EVO microSD Cards before checking that they were listed as not working in the compatibility list. When they arrived, I tried to install recalbox anyway and it worked flawlessly. So I was a little bit irritated as I bought the Cards specifically for recalbox and thought I would need other ones. So I began to think... I remember, I thought one old Card I had and was listed as compatible would not install recalbox. Every time I tried, there was an error at around 99% progress! Somehow I notice (after a long time) that the downloaded file was slightly smaller than noted on Github. I re-downloaded it and "voilà", it installed! It happend to be that my file was corrupted, but still good enough to reach 99%! Since then, I have been playing around with NOOBS 1.4, 1.5, 1.6 and the lastest 1.7. That means, taking the recalboxOS folder from the downloaded file and putting it inside the os folder of NOOBS (as I want a double boot). So I do not really know, how reliable that list is. I do not know if people have tried with an older version of recalbox and some changes have maked the compatibility higher. Another option is that the modified version of NOOBS (recalbox-rescue) is responsible for the problems. Maybe the SD Card I tried was a newer release of the same SD Card and that did the job. The fact that the SD Cards must be formatted as FAT32 can also be a reason why people think, SD Cards bigger than 32Gb do not work when they put it in the Raspberry Pi. Or it might just be so simple as the downloaded files the persons used were corruped. Anyway, I am very happy the installation worked on my SD Card and would recommend, the persons who have had problems installing recalbox to try again.
Could you walk me through what you did that got Recalbox working on the 64GB card. I have the sae Samsung Evo icro SD 64GB card. I grabbed the latest release, downloaded it used SD card formatter to format it with size adjustment on. Then I unzipped recalbox, and placed the contents of the root of the SD card. When I boot, it just goes to blackscreen, I tried pressing 2 to force HDMI safe mode but still does not work. I also tried the pre-compiled Openelec Matrix image and it did not work. When I create the image with retropie using same SD Card it works no problem. Going to try what you said getting noobs 1.7 and just popping the recalbox OS version in just want to know exactly what you did
1. Download Recalbox 2. Download and Install SD Card Formatter 4.0 Format your SD Card changing FORMAT SIZE ADJUSTMENT to ON! The SD Card will be formated as exFAT (> 32Gb) 3. Download FAT32 FORMAT (only needed for SD Cards bigger than 32 Gb) Format your SD Card (again) to change the format to FAT32 Notice: If you get an error that prevent FAT32 FORMAT to format the SD Card. If that happens, repeat step 2 before before trying again with FAT32 FORMAT guiformat.exe 4. Unzip directly to the root of your SD Card 5. Remove the SD Card (safely) and insert it to your Raspberry Pi 6. Power on the Raspberry Pi and the installation will start automatically
Your problem is that SD Formatter will format SD Cards with a higher capacity than 32 Gb to exFAT, but you need it formatted to FAT32 for the installation to work. Wiki: Installation (EN)
Only problem I have having now, and thanks for that the exfat thing is exactly what was going on. But now when I have the OS up and running it seems to mount in read only mode. The device will boot, but when I try to upload a rom I am getting a read only error. As if the root user cannot write.
I would just reinstall recalbox again and see if the problem persists. Haven't had that, so no idea.