24 Dec 2020, 12:10


This is my first post. I've been using recalbox for a year or so on a rasp pi 3b with great results.

Recently I've upgraded my hardware to;

  1. mini ITX PC (v6.1.1-Dragonblaze)
  2. rasp pi 4 (v7.1.1-Reloaded)

and running in to same issue on both pieces of hardware..

The display I use for gaming is a 4K TV.

The issue is that the resolution output on both PC and Pi4 is defaulting to 4K and therefore FPS is low making games unplayable.

Is there a way to set/force resolution to something lower (1920x1080). I've looked through the recalbox & retroarch config files.. this is the closest I've found but looks like cant be changed??

'## Set game resolution for emulators
'## Please don't modify this setting
'## This arch does not support the video mode switch
'## (string)
global.videomode=CEA 1 HDMI

Any help would be greatly appreciated.
