Unsolved SCUMMVM Pi 4 laggy animations
Hi, there's a problem with scummvm on pi 4. after launching a game it turns that the game runs at slow frame rate or something like that unless you move constantly the cursor, not click on any place, just move around the screen at the same time that the character is moving. if you dont do that the result is a choppy animation.
for example the first screen in Indiana Jones and the fate of Atlantic you can clearly see that the lights in the neon advertising dont move unless you move the cursor.
all options of scummvm are on default mode.
i tried almost all render options but there's no difference.anyone with the same error?
@qeb An other user got the same problem, we'll report it to devs. Thanx
I want to quickly add one more detail about this issue: It only happens a few seconds after starting a game. That is, within the first few seconds everything is smooth as expected, then the frame rate suddenly drops and you get the behavior as mentioned above.
Note that when you open the ScummVM menu via hotkey it won't show up unless you move the cursor. If you open the menu during the first few seconds it shows up immediately.
Tested several games using an out-of-the-box installation of Recalbox 7.0.1 (just added the game files). The same game files run fine with Recalbox 7.0.1 on a RPi3.
For information, this problem has been identified and will be solved in next release.