28 May 2020, 15:57

New to Recalbox and I am VERY new to linux. Installed on RP3. Connected via wired ethernet. I want to change the IP address but have been unable to. It keeps setting to .101 which is the same as one of my wifi access points. I would like it to stay below .100 where the rest of my devices are. I have tried everything on https://github.com/recalbox/recalbox-os/wiki/Manual-IP-settings-(EN) but when i try nano /etc/network/interfaces.base the file that opens up is blank and there is no eth0 ip. I have looked on the web interface and at the config file and all i can find is WIFI settings. I dont want this on wifi. is there anyway to do a linux version of ipconfig/renew? Can i set a static IP? Is my only option to dump recalbox and go with retropi?