Gameboy pocket zero (Gaboze Pocaio) - screen issue ili9342
So I've tested every combinations, none worked
@ian57 any idea ? -
@SuperPuissant @acris
ILI9342 does not seems to be supported by the actual overlays. neither by fbcp-ili9341 your link seems to be the only solution to make this screen work.
@SuperPuissant please read the doc from and use the debian way , and adapt it to recalbox.
If you have problems, il will check each step with you, -
@ian57 not sure how to do that, I've added the file fbcp-ili9342 to /usr/bin, then chmod +x ili9342
I have added a file S13fbcpili9342 in /etc/init.d, same chmod +x
modified the /boot/config.txt and recalbox.conf
no results, white screen... -
@SuperPuissant I can't do more than that, I don't own this screen sorry. try to run the bcp-ili9342 file directly from a ssh console to see if the programme is running on your Pi.
Hey @ian57 , I did, it worked.
My question would be more to have an example of the script to make it run at startup as I am not very knowledgeable with debian. Even a skeleton will do.
I've managed to make both ili9341 and ili9342 running at 60fps with juj drivers on retropie so there is no reason not to do it on recalbox!
Thanks! -
Hi @ian57, any hint please on how to run executable at startup with recalbox?
@SuperPuissant as /etc/rc.local does not exists in RB, you'll need to modifie the /etc/init.d/S11fbcp or /etc/init.d/S13fbcp and modify the following line to run your fbcp program
start) printf "Starting fbcp ... " start-stop-daemon -S -q -m -b -p /var/run/ --exec /usr/bin/fbcp-ili9342 -- -n echo "done.
don't forget to activate the tft support in recalbox.conf :
## for support and configuration details needed by /boot/config.txt system.fbcp.enabled=1
j'ai le même problème sur ma gaboze pocaio,
j'ai un écran 2.4 tft avec un driver ili9341 mais je n'arrive pas à l'installer sur Recalbox !
@SuperPuissant as tu réussi?
Peux tu m'expliquer comment tu as fait ?
Merci Armand -
@arm this is an english topic. Please speak english here. Thanks
I have the same problem on my gaboze pocaio,
I have a 2.4 tft screen with a driver ili9341 but I can not install it on Recalbox!
@SuperPuissant did you succeed?
Can you explain to me how did you do it?
@ian57 Is it possible?
Thank you Armand -
@arm Please give the link to your screen to see specs. seems that it's this one
it should work, but you need to wire correctly the screen on the raspbarry pi. After read the page You can try the 2.8 config on this page seem to be ok for 2.4 too according to -
no I finally gave up and stuck to the retropie. As far as I remember I've managed to compile juj drivers for ili9342 and bootup correctly but for some reason it was not consistent (sometime it was booting with the image sometimes it was remaining blank). I've never managed to figure out why.
I need to dig up a little bit to find the right option to compile juj drivers for both screens, I'll let you know if I manage to find it back.
it is this screen :
there is no shield or touchI just tried the tutorial TFT Screen SPI Bus (EN) for 2.8 with mk_arcade_joystick_rpi and it does not work!
I think we need the file ili9341.dtbo , but I do not find it ...