Solved 6.0 Dragon Blaze "es_systems.cfg" missing
I am missing the file .\share\system.emulationstation\es_systems.cfg
this file defined which emulator or file types get used for the different platforms. It was able to edit this file to, for example, exclude certain file types from the automatic detection (important for PSX-games with individual audio track files, so they are not scraped multiple times) or for defining specific emulator cores for certain platforms (I did that for MAME, so i could combine my arcade and neogeo collections)
Has es_systems.cfg just been relocated or was it removed from the new release on purpose?
This file is located in share_init, not in share
Ah, so it was relocated! Perfect, will test this as soon as possible!
File found. Edited. Everything fine! Thanks again for the help!
This file has bien un share_init since the begining of recalbox
Never been relocated.