Hi all, which are the last romsets usable on recalbox v6?
Is this link right, or need an update?
Last romsets
Hi all, which are the last romsets usable on recalbox v6?
Is this link right, or need an update?
https://github.com/recalbox/recalbox-os/wiki/Advanced-Arcade-on-Recalbox-(EN) -
yes correct
Thanks, olivierdroid92, so except about fba, last "official" mame is 0.78, right?
@0zzy the link is not up to date we also have mame2010 (0.139) and avmame (don't remember which romset it is 206 maybe ?)
This is true but also please keep in mind that MAME 2010(0.139) does not support cheats etc ...
Better to go with MAME 2003-PLUS -
@olivierdroid92 but it has a really compatibility ! I don't use cheats anyway I'm a real gamer !
I just use148 coins