Can you give me the link, where I can download proper BIOS??
Solved Can't upload Sega CD Romes
Hello @NostriK
try via share network or winscp software
Thx. The mentioned
Now can not start Sega cd games. Tried different ways.- Upload earth worm Jim.bin and earth worm Jim.cue files - not working
- Upload earth worm Jim.iso file - not working
- Upload zip archive of both of 2 - not working
Upload different bios for Sega CD - still not working...
Try using an other game to check if it will works or not
- try another game
- verify bios (md5)
- change emulator and core
- no uppcase in extension file (bin not BIN or CUE)
- verify name in cue is the same as bin file.
- Disabled rewind
Tried sonic cd, earth worm Jim, mortal combat, mikimania...
️ Not working, may be to try download Rome’s from another sources...
Is your BIOS ok ?
Check with Recalbox manager -
Can you give me the link, where I can download proper BIOS??
On google search, you need to copy/paster md5 signature, or check in recalbox manager via web navigator
http://recalbox/bioscheck this link too :
With Sega CD - solved!
Now the same with 3do, trying to start games, black screen and nothing have happened... believe that the same as with Sega CD, need to find correct bios.. -
@nostrik Of course without the BIOS you will have problems, but 3DO only works in Rpi3 if you overclock: