[Recalbox 9] Theme Next Pixel
Thx for your feeback guys!
@lhari84 said in Next Pixel theme:
if you like my idea, maybe you can use it for a future "pi hq memory saving version"?
I must say i was thinking about it since gamelist view images are darker they could have a lower resolution. I need to think more about it to make a decision though, but nice catch!
@scavy said in Next Pixel theme:
I tried the 480p theme it's already amazing. Good work ! Only missing a few musics by a former amiga musician lol
I'm still opened for discussion when you have time
Last but not least i forgot to thank @paradadf for all my inital post editing
and his work for console/controller images and of course recalbox team fot his amazing work on recalbox 6.0!
I have one more question about copying one system to another one:in which file are graphics for game rating stored?
and is there a special graphic for pcenginecd (related to castlevania?)
currently after copying suggested files from manual from pcenginecd to pcengine, i just see hearts as rating graphics. and i guess they come from game bonk (pcengine) and not castlevania (pcenginecd)
Thanks -
@lhari84 rating files are located in system folder along with background images (icon_empty.svg, icon_filled.svg). Pcenginecd game theme has no custom rating files , it uses default "star" image, so it weird you still got heart icon from pcengine. These are 2 problems i can think of:
- You have copy data folder from pcenginecd along with files (but you should see wrong logo/console images as well)
- You are not using the last theme version since before 1.0 rating images where located in system/data folder
@myst I guess it‘s because i just copied backgrounds and sound. did not want to replace too much, as i didn‘t want system pictures, etc. change to pcenginecd. i‘ll try, thanks for info.
as these rating files are so small, i’m wondering even more about a weird problem i still have: when i quit an emulator, ONLY these rating graphics are white blocks for a short time sometimes... after not more than one second when left emulator, they are shown properly again. on the other hand no problem with other, big graphics like backgrounds. so can‘t be a memory issue all. maybe an es-thing?
it‘s the only disturbing issue left, everything else is fine now, both with theme 1.0 and rb 6.0. maybe @paradadf has an idea? -
Super thème magnifique et avec la résolution 480p c est génial aucun plantage pour l instant sur le pi3b+ overclocké a 1.450. Je ferai quand même des test avec les résolutions 720p et 1080p. On sait jamais hehehehe en tout cas magnifique travail
@lhari84 said in Next Pixel theme:
when i quit an emulator, ONLY these rating graphics are white blocks for a short time sometimes... after not more than one second when left emulator, they are shown properly again.
I guess quiting game is resource heavy for CPU so it may take time to construct some assets. Can't say much more about it sorry.
@lhari84 it is still possible that it is a memory issue. You could try reducing the number of available systems. Otherwise, no idea!
Could be great to think about EDIT EACH FIRST THEME POST to indicate before anything... witch version of Recalbox is compatible with this theme.
Like : TESTED/Works on Recalbox 6.0 RC2 (DATE OF TEST)
And edit the post title, for exemple : THEME : Next Pixel (OK Recalbox 6.0, April 15), or THEME : Next Pixel (Recalbox 18.xx.xx OK, Recalbox 6.0 WIP)
This information must be on the name of the theme + topic, to see if there is update avaiable for theme's users.
And on the other hand, it's very important, to see if there is all systems supported, and not particular problem...What do you think about ?
@fab2ris Hello Fab, nice catch since common questions are " is this theme compatible with...", "are all systems supported...", but this has to be done with mods since we can't edit our own post (which i can understand of course)
encore merci pour ton thème!
Est il envisageable que tu ajoutes pour Mame et fba libretro, un logo "Arcade" pour éventuellement les renommer manuellement?
Comme les fonds d"écrans supplémentaires que tu proposes pour certaines consoles? -
@kintao hum je sais pas trop à la limite si tu as un logo arcade sous la main tu peux me l'envoyer en privé je te générerais les 2 logo qu'il faut pour le thème à partir de celui-ci
@Kintao forgot what i said i'll add something for next release...
@mYSt , top merci, j'avais pas eu le temps de voir ta réponse plus haut
@myst said in Next Pixel theme:
ice catch since common questions are " is this theme compatible with...", "are all systems supported...", but this has to be done with mods since we can't edit our own post (whi
J'ai fait remonter l'info/idée, pour plus de clarté ça serait important je pense.
@myst said in Next Pixel theme:
@lhari84 said in Next Pixel theme:
when i quit an emulator, ONLY these rating graphics are white blocks for a short time sometimes... after not more than one second when left emulator, they are shown properly again.
I guess quiting game is resource heavy for CPU so it may take time to construct some assets. Can't say much more about it sorry.
Maybe I'm kind of too perfectionist, but I want better disable whole rating bar, as I can't get rid of this issue
Is there a way to just hide it? tried already some code modifications but always crashed the theme/es... -
@mYSt as always, works fine! thx
- 8 days later
Recalbox 6.0 crash theme?
Very nice theme thank you !
Merci beaucoup pour ce super theme, magnifique et tres simple à modifier, à part pour les logos de la roue, vraiment excellent, j'adore
Par contre petite question sans rapport direct, mais tu pourrais me dire quel mix tu utilises pour scrapper tes jeux ? J'adore le design avec l'ecran de console différent pour chaque systeme, mais je ne l'ai pas trouvé ^^