Hi all,
We're now in a migration process to prepare the future release, and the git branch for the beta has been merged, that's why the update link is down. Sorry but for now no update is possible, we'll keep you informed.
Bonsoir à tous ! Je suis sur la beta sur X86 et je viens d’avoir une proposition de MAJ mais quand je la lance, rien ne se télécharge et j’ai un message d’erreur. PS : je suis sur le bon canal de MAJ pour la beta
@chris256 De même !
Alors ne faites pas les mises à jour!
j'ai aussi un message d'erreur, des infos sur cette futur maj?
@oyyodams C’etait pas une critique. Juste pour donner l’info au cas où ce soir dû à une fausse manip. Bonne journée et merci encore aux développeurs !
@hyamanieu said in Testers wanted: major system upgrade (Pi3b+, KODI 17 and much more ...):
Hi all, hello dear devs
I have just updated my image from
507-b*mp-bui (4ad393af) 36325817 rpi3 2018/11/12 18:53:18
to507-b*mp-bui (361600e2) 38422234 rpi3 2018/11/29 21:24:06
How do you do that? Every time I try to Update I get a Download-Error.
Hi all,
We're now in a migration process to prepare the future release, and the git branch for the beta has been merged, that's why the update link is down. Sorry but for now no update is possible, we'll keep you informed.
Sound good ! thanks to all the Development team !
@oyyodams said in Testers wanted: major system upgrade (Pi3b+, KODI 17 and much more ...):
Hi all,
We're now in a migration process to prepare the future release, and the git branch for the beta has been merged, that's why the update link is down. Sorry but for now no update is possible, we'll keep you informed.
Perfect! Thanks for the information!
Maybe I found another problem: I would like to set up an IR remote control for Recalbox and KODI. When I try to save/record the IR commands the "lircd" deamon does not start. If I try to start it manually, I get the error message "segmentation fault". Don't know if it's a problem with the beta system discussed here!?
Here is my howto: https://github.com/recalbox/recalbox-os/wiki/Infrarot-Fernbedienung-für-die-recalbox-(DE)
@oyyodams Nice, I will be waiting for it, although if the highly anticipated (at least for me) feature of swapping Ok and Cancel back to normal is added to ES I would be even more hyped for it, even without it I am happy and inpatient for it, thank you everyone
Hello Dev team !
I'm running the 11/29 beta on my Pi3B+ and so far it's working great except the wifi that is still very buggy (unable to connect) so I keep it on ethernet.
FYI, there is an upgrade available notifications that pops up (I'm configured on the beta channel) but when I try to apply it I get the following error message : "An error occured - Downloaded : " without any download.
I'll try later on to see if this could be a temporary issue with the servers.
Keep up the good job and thanks a lot for all your efforts into this !
Goodmorning Dev.
I m testing last beta on Pi3+ and i have problem with Dualshock 4 controller:i cant pair with bluetooth(i can find when i search but cant connect,my 8bitdo work).so i use the official sony wireless adaptor and it work but kodi and ppsspp dont start.this is the support archive:
I have a question to the Update on PI3B+ when i try to download the update the link doesn´t work
it seems that the link is dead, can you give me the new download link for the recalbox.conf ?
@warhead999 : Look at the last moderator's post.
I have done a small test by deleting roms from an emulator (reproduce on any emulator) and when you delete the last one, you get a black screen. Is it a known bug?
Test has been done one the last beta and a Pi3b+
@chris256 Desactive "vérifier les mises a jour". Il doit certainement te proposer une maj en 18.07.13
@slolo Same thing in the stable version, it is annoying since you need to hard restart your pi
I know it's an annoying question but I'm gonna ask it anyway.
Do you guys think the stable update with the 3B+ support will come out before christmas?
Would love to give my girlfriend a Recalbox Pi 3B+ as present.
Should I have my hopes in a stable version before the holidays or should I try to configure the beta as good as it gets?
Keep up the great work. Looking forward to the new version. Cheers.
No date was given.
You can for sure provide your girlfriend a 3b+ with beta version, it will works until new release will be available