Testers wanted: major system upgrade (Pi3b+, KODI 17 and much more ...)
Avec la dernière màj (pi3b+) :
Ecran noir en voulant rejoindre une partie sur le netplay.
Obligé de redémarrer Recalbox via le webmanager.
https://file.ac/K0dhzSF96EI/ -
Ecran noir AVEC logo blanc et version en bas en voulant redémarrer Recalbox.
J'ai réussi a éteindre Recalbox avec le webmanager.
https://file.ac/7n9xee9e3Qk/ -
Ecran noir SANS logo blanc et version en bas en voulant redémarrer Recalbox.
J'ai réussi a éteindre Recalbox avec le webmanager.
C'est systématique, je ne peux pas éteindre Recalbox proprement en passant par le menu ES, je suis obliger de le faire via le webmanager.
- Dreamcast
Les boutons ne répondent pas correctement avec le jeu DOA2, tous les boutons font la garde. La même rom fonctionne normalement sur mon pi3b et sur mon odroid.
When scrapped video kodi closed and i cant launch kodi again
when i delete .kodi*userdata* kodi start again
Almost no Kodi add-ons are working. Plex, YouTube, and HDHomeRun have been tested. It appears to be a problem with Python 2.7 verifying the hash of the plugin. I don't have these issues running these add-ons in LibreElec or on older versions of Recalbox.
The excerpt from kodi.log is here: https://pastebin.com/TQ4VqHAZ
In two previous comments @Substring replies:
"new up to date beta version of the pi3 https://we.tl/t-oaFQNyWQuq" -
@Substring Aujourd'hui plus de problème de police de caractère...
Ma manette SFC30 pro n'est pas reconnue dans les jeux utilisant Retroarch alors que dans les émulateurs standalone elle fonctionne correctement.
Archive de support : https://file.ac/1g785k-fsL8/Quand le SFC30 pro est apparairée, elle empêche aussi la manette usb de fonctionner dans les jeux.
Les favoris ne s'enregistrent plus.
Ecran noir après maj de la gamelist
Archive de support : https://file.ac/6ctKKH7cE0U/ -
@gaetan this is an english thread, so please write only in english the next time.
@paradadf you right, sorry.
Ran into an issue running the latest update https://we.tl/t-oaFQNyWQuq.
This NES rom hack doesn't run with any of the cores and just stays at a black screen when launched.
Works fine with 18.07.13 release.
Noted, can you please try to re-map your pad and try again. think it should works as I 've experimented same issue -
So, do you have any ETA when the beta testing is over? Maybe some progress percentage? Can't really wait when the stable release is ready! I wish I had skills and time to help you to test it
La mise à jour en OTA ne fonctionne pas. J'ai un écran noir avec un éclaire jaune en haut à droite de l'écran. J'utilise un adaptateur de 5V 3A.
Well the new update is not working, black screen and yellow thunder
Rom hack still doesn't work even after remapping controller updated from stable 18.07.13 > beta1 > beta2.Works if reflashing new with beta2 image.
Works if updating from 18.07.13 > beta2.
Also fixes msx2 gamelist.xml from getting wiped.
Doesn't fix atarist roms that no longer work.
Doesn't fix Kodi controller input from working by default. Have to use keyboard to go to 'configure attached controller' menu then accepting prompt to enable required addon (Kodi joystick support?). -
RetroAchievements don't work on my side. What about you ?
Kodi works well but crashes as soon I'm adding a NFS source.
It doesn't start anymore until I remove the .kodi folder -
Where i can get img file? Link is empty.
@suriv said in Testers wanted: major system upgrade (Pi3b+, KODI 17 and much more ...):
In two previous comments @Substring replies:
"new up to date beta version of the pi3 https://we.tl/t-oaFQNyWQuq"This Link is dead to
@Substring could u reup pls?