V3.3.0 beta testers needed – besoin de beta testeurs
@Pierre : "Je vais rapidement tester cette nouvelle version avec les scanlines et un émulateur vectrex" Scanline & Vectrex ? C'est une drôle d'idée. Parce-que le vectrex n'avait pas de pixels, c'était juste un faisceau qui se baladait comme sur un oscilloscope.
Super cette beta !!Enfin Sunset Riders et TMNT tournent dans leurs couleurs d'origine sur FBA Libretro,j'ai également reussi à lancer KOV 2 (impossible pour moi sur 3.2).Sinon pas encore rencontre de pb particulier.
@Matt : Indeed
J'ai mis trop de choses dans la même phrase... mais parce qu'il y a tellement de nouveautés dans cette versions ! Je parlais bien de tester les scanlines d'une part, et l'émulateur Vectrex d'autre part. A ce propos, j'ai mis la main sur quelques Roms, mais pas simple d'en trouver de "bonnes". Je n'ai pu tester que scramble. Le père de tous les Shmumps horizontaux, quel plaisir ! Par contre je n'ai pas de son. Surtout pas de scanlines dans ce cas bien sûr. D'ailleurs, je ne sais pas comment fonctionne l'émulateur, mais les lignes sont un peu crenelées. Ca ne fait pas parfaitement vectoriel. Il manque le charme des points trop lumineux à l'écran (mais l'émulation ne peut pas tout faire) PS : mon fils de 6 ans, qui adore la recalbox pour les autres jeux, ne comprend pas l'intéret qu'il y a à jouer à un truc aussi moche que la vectrex... il a sans doute raison. PPS : merci à tous ceux qui participent à faire une box aussi géniale et "packagée" !
I did some more testing and I've found some issues (they may have been covered already). I cannot get wifi to work at all. On 3.2, wifi worked so long as no special characters were used. On 3.3.0 beta 4, wifi doesn't work at all. I'm using an edimax wifi adapter. I have edited the config file and specified my wifi settings but it never connects. The ssid is three letters long and the password contains only letters, the ssid is not hidden. Another issue which was also an issue on 3.2 and is still an issue with 3.3 beta, is that changing the config file to use snes9x doesn't do anything. No matter what snes emulation always uses pocketsnes instead. When going into the system settings menu in ES, the system says it will reboot regardless if you made any changes or not, is this by design? The reboot doesn't always happen right away either, so the user may think it's ok to start doing something else and then the system will seemingly reboot randomly. Lastly, and I'm sure this has already been discussed but enabling game smoothing doesn't work. The good news is that my beta box upgraded to the new beta no problem and it looks like the xbox controller mapping is back to normal. If I could leave some design feedback I'd like to say that, while I personally like having the option to overclock the PI right from the system menu, it may be something that should be left as an option in the config file. If the point is to make recalbox easy and ready to go out of the box, the overclocking feature and any potential undesired effects may conflict with that goal.
Hi @ivwshane, your problems are weird. It seems like every modifications of your recalbox.conf aren't seen by system. Which software are you using to edit the file?
I'm using wordpad in windows. I simply delete the ; and add the necessary changes.
Hello not using wordpad, try to notepad++ : https://notepad-plus-plus.org/download/v6.8.3.html or use putty to edit this file :
nano /recalbox/share/system/recalbox.conf
delete the ; and add the necessary changes. ctrl+x to save, then Y AND entrer to exit -
Ok, so after using putty (can I use the editor built into winscp) and deleting the old conf file and recreating it from the template I can now use the snes9x core. Smoothing now works as well. However wifi still doesn't work when using special characters such as _
Do you use
character in your ssid or password? I've too a_
character in my SSID, and when I configure my wifi usingrecalbox.conf
, there is no problem. EDIT : Your dongle is aEdimax EW-7811UN
? -
Hello everyone, first of all i like to thank the developer to create a wonderful platform to play with. It came out of the box and worked, without configure the hole system for hours. I appreciate that a lot. Now, I play since a week with the recalbox. Started with the RPI1 first and all was good (installed the last stable version). Yesterday I bought the RPI2 and installed the Beta4 on it and played out of the box. I recognized that the control is a little bit delayed. I tried first the Sega mastersystem with Alex Kid and it feels like the move and jump came a little bit delayed. The same with the NES System played Kid Icarus and also it feels like the movement is not accurate. Its just milliseconds. Anyway today I installed the v3.2.11 and tried it again. It feels like a better behave. Maybe it is just my impression. In the moment i have just one micro SD card so if i get a second one i will test it side by side to be sure. I use Logitech Rumble Pad 2 two times for controlling. And thx again for this great OS...
Have you "game mode" ENABLED on your TV? this was my problem
My Problem now is the NES30 PRO - No problem with front end , but in emulators, buttons are not mapped
Bonjour a tous 2 petites interrogations... - j ai subi qq freeze a priori lié a l overclock 1050mhz sur rpi2. Suis je le seul dans cas ? - je n avais pas testé l emulation psx depuis un moment et je constate de gros ralentissement sur tony hawk pro skater 2. Ca tournait nickel sur la 3.2 meme sans overclock et je voulais donc savoir si il y avait eu chgt d emulateur pour la psx ou des nouvelles config a faire sur recalbox.conf merci merci pour vos retours
@Myop merci pour ces retours. Perso tous mes rpi2 sont OC et pas de soucis. Mais certaines bêtes peuvent être capricieuses. Sinon concernant l'émulation PSX, peux tu checker dans tes option jeux de menu de ES si tu n'as pas activé l'option rewind/rembobinage par hasard? L'émulateur n'aime pas du tout cette option.
Bonjour, Avant tout merci pour cette magnifique plateforme ?. J'ai un problème avec OC aussi. Par contre je n'arrive pas à avoir les jeux n64 en plein écran par contre ça fonctionnait parfaitement avec la version 3.2.11, quelqu'un à t'il le même problème. A plus.
@rockaddicted effectivement j'avais activé l'option rewind sans faire gaffe. et ça refonctionne nickel sans. cool
pour les problemes de freeze avec l'OC je vais faire les essais avec la ram à 450mhz (cf mon message dans le post dépannage). info à suivre bon dimanche
@nicolas, ton soucis de n64 tu le rencontres avec les 2 core/plugins
? ou seulementrice
? Si ce n'est qu'avec rice, c'est que ta TV ne switch pas en mode vga 640*480Je t'invite à lire ce post : http://blog.recalbox.com/forums/topic/v3-3-0-beta-testers-needed-besoin-de-beta-testeurs/page/2/#post-11217 Concernant le soucis avec l'OC, te serait il possible de tester ces paramètres en éditant ton config.txt et nous faire un retour :
arm_freq=1050 over_voltage=4 core_freq=525 gpu_freq=350 sdram_freq=450 over_voltage_sdram_p=2 over_voltage_sdram_i=2 over_voltage_sdram_c=2 -
The hotkey button ends mupen64 immediately. Controllers are Xiaomi Bluetooth Controller & Thrustmaster T Mini Wireless Controller. Its the same with both of the controllers. No chance to save or load a game. There is no way of configuring the hotkey button in mupen64 when I am not mistaken. Any idea on how to get the hotkey button to work in mupen64
Yes @Fabian, it is normal. N64 emulation use mupen64plus in standalone version et not retroarch. So the emulator don't support hotkey as the other emulators (using retroarch). For the moment there is no auto configuration of the controlers with this emulator. Only the fonction Hotkey -> exit is automatically configured (otherwise you couldn't close the emulator once started). You can configure it manually by editing the file
. There is a section about the "[CoreEvents]" :[CoreEvents] # Mupen64Plus CoreEvents config parameter set version number. Please don't change this version number. Version = 1 # SDL keysym for stopping the emulator Kbd Mapping Stop = 27 # SDL keysym for switching between fullscreen/windowed modes Kbd Mapping Fullscreen = 0 # SDL keysym for saving the emulator state Kbd Mapping Save State = 286 # SDL keysym for loading the emulator state Kbd Mapping Load State = 288 # SDL keysym for advancing the save state slot Kbd Mapping Increment Slot = 0 # SDL keysym for resetting the emulator Kbd Mapping Reset = 290 # SDL keysym for slowing down the emulator Kbd Mapping Speed Down = 291 # SDL keysym for speeding up the emulator Kbd Mapping Speed Up = 292 # SDL keysym for taking a screenshot Kbd Mapping Screenshot = 293 # SDL keysym for pausing the emulator Kbd Mapping Pause = 112 # SDL keysym for muting/unmuting the sound Kbd Mapping Mute = 109 # SDL keysym for increasing the volume Kbd Mapping Increase Volume = 93 # SDL keysym for decreasing the volume Kbd Mapping Decrease Volume = 91 # SDL keysym for temporarily going really fast Kbd Mapping Fast Forward = 102 # SDL keysym for advancing by one frame when paused Kbd Mapping Frame Advance = 47 # SDL keysym for pressing the game shark button Kbd Mapping Gameshark = 103 # Joystick event string for stopping the emulator Joy Mapping Stop = "J1B0" # Joystick event string for switching between fullscreen/windowed modes Joy Mapping Fullscreen = "" # Joystick event string for saving the emulator state Joy Mapping Save State = "" # Joystick event string for loading the emulator state Joy Mapping Load State = "" # Joystick event string for advancing the save state slot Joy Mapping Increment Slot = "" # Joystick event string for taking a screenshot Joy Mapping Screenshot = "" # Joystick event string for pausing the emulator Joy Mapping Pause = "" # Joystick event string for muting/unmuting the sound Joy Mapping Mute = "" # Joystick event string for increasing the volume Joy Mapping Increase Volume = "" # Joystick event string for decreasing the volume Joy Mapping Decrease Volume = "" # Joystick event string for fast-forward Joy Mapping Fast Forward = "" # Joystick event string for pressing the game shark button Joy Mapping Gameshark = "" So you can add a button for each event, J0=player 1 and B=code of the button to affect. So if you want to add the button 5 of the controler
player 1
to the fonction save state, you have to addJoy Mapping Save State = "J0B5"
To know what is the code of each button of your controler, you can see this wiki : https://github.com/digitalLumberjack/recalbox-os/wiki/Test-your-joystick-with-jstest-(EN) -
Merci de ton retour, j'ai effectué la modif via noob. Et en rebootant, j'ai un écran noir, Je lance a l'aveugle un jeu, puis en sortant du jeu, j'ai un problème d'affichage. merci de votre aide Edit: Je n'avais pas bien configuré le fichier .... Je suis passé du coup par putty. Je fais quelque test pour vérifier si OC fonctionne (1050). Pour le moment ça fait 5 min et ça tient. J'essaye de voir maintenant pour afficher les jeux N64 en fullscreen avec cette Beta
Thanks for the info. Gonna try this tonight. There should be enough buttons left for the most important functions. Any plans to include auto config for N64 any ton time soon?