got mines, mounted one in 15mn more or so, the speakers and screen were a little tricky, they could have done that part better, but I would do a second one in 5mn I think, nothing too complicated
it's pretty good ! off course there are a few things which could be better :
- no jack for headphones, biggest issue I think
- not possible to use subfolder for systems, so all roms are in the same folder and it can take a while to navigate through
- a few hit and miss with the interface which will likely be corrected
- the screen is a little small (smaller than the one from the first game buy, i would say it's 3/4 compred to it) so it might a issue with NES RPG or things like that.
but otherwise it's really good looking and pretty impressive !! the games I tried ran flawlessly, I'm amazed
There are nonetheless already some issues on github with games not working
The biggest issue might be that the OS must be updated through firmware updates, and it seems a bit tricky and old school