@substring What is it and how can I do that?
Solved Any roms stop loading from usb after some time
When I launch rom: screen zooming in, loading screen appear for few seconds and screen zooming out in the same gamelist menu.
I reinstall Recalbox but this problem still appear. I can't launch any game. -
I set overclocking to Extreme and after reboot I launch a game. But when i try to exit in menu it freeze. I shut down Rp3 and
games stop working again. Now this Extreme trick didnt work anymore. -
@alexander-tolstykh please make a support archive after having launched a rom, thank you
@substring What is it and how can I do that?
@alexander-tolstykh make sure your recalbox is plugged to the network and go to http://recalbox/help
@alexander-tolstykh your Recalbox has been upgraded from an unofficial version, so bugs may occur and we cannot offer any support.
Please install it from http://archive.recalbox.com/
@oyyodams I install it from there, but I create usb folders from older version. Maybe this is a problem. Gona check this.
PC cant read Usb from this version. Thats quite bad. Speed of rp3 wifi is kinda too slow for copying roms.
Yep. Everything is fine now. Thanks guys.