Oh cool, does that mean that there will be an update that fixes it soon ?
Thank you very much !
Hi everyone !
First of all thank you for this nice project.
I'm trying to setup recalbox on a raspberry pi 3 model B and everything seems to work fine except for N64 emulation.
I have two problems and I think they might be linked:
These problems happen only while playing N64 roms, I've tried several roms, and all do the same problem.
Also, this behaviour happens on my main TV (which is a Sony Bravia) but when I test it on a Samsung TV, everything works normally.
I guess this is the kind of super-hard bug to troobleshoot, but I thought I'll still ask in case anybody had the same problem.
Thanks for reading,
@tforgione known problem, i've found a workaround yesterday before i can release a fix (which is ready on my side)
Oh cool, does that mean that there will be an update that fixes it soon ?
Thank you very much !
@tforgione yes there will be. No ETA, but this one + SELECT not working in netplay are ok on our side
Oh, super cool! Thank you!
I'll mark this thread as solved then.
Thank you again!
@tforgione i've posted a workaround in the main 18.06.27 topic
Cool, thanks !