ROMNI - My 3D Printed New tiny RecalboxArcade :)
Thanks for the Tip. I will try it now !
@acris said in ROMNI - My 3D Printed New tiny RecalboxArcade
Hello @Marcelo-Souza
I have the same problem to buy products.
for your question hdmi :
try these :
mount -o remount,rw /boot
edit this filenano /boot/config.txt
add this line :hdmi_force_hotplug=1
when you start without hdmi cable, normally it's ok
et when you plug hdmi cable, normally it's boot to TV screen -
Hi ! Nice game&watch arcade cab ^^
For your question regarding composite/hdmi auto select ... Hard to tell, i'm not sure anyobe ever succeeded here
I am back to this posts. Just to post a possible "solution" for my obvious question... A way to Auto-Switch between HDMI<>AV... It seems that this guy made a script that Detects the hdmi plug and switch the config settings...
Hope it works ...
@acris Hey.
I´ve changed the lines with hdmi_Force_hotplug=1 and then it worked, the recabox and games apearead over hdmi (video and audio) but now , even after unplugin the hdmi and turning off and on the system again, it´s sticked with hdmi output... The monitor i am using only turns on if some signal enters over the composite in... so it seems that pi isn´t sending composite signal anymore after i unplugged the hdmi cable. I will reverse the config edition to check...
I love it all very much
Finally reach the beta stage with my project.
Hope you guys like it.
Now i need to build a custom theme, since the latest recalbox has "SMALL SCREEN" themes, but the gamelist font stills VERY tiny... Unreadable.image url)
You can edit the themes and increase the font size very easy.
By the way, I also find it very nice, and having some 4.1" compo spare screens, I think about it. -
It looks just amazing.
Much better than the neogeo mini !
And you can have all the neogeo games collection in it -
@marcelo-souza beautiful !
how are the buttons ? I've always wondered of those kind of mini buttons were and felt as good as the standard ones
@voljega if it is small "service buttons"... they are very hard; and it is difficult to play with.