@paradadf Okay thank you.
Posts made by redcomshell
RE: recalbox and retropie kernal (buttons problem)
@rockaddicted I responded to the other post, but haven't gotten anything. is there anyway you could help me? Thank you.
RE: dragonrise generic encoders
@acris Hello Acris I have added a zippy file. http://www51.zippyshare.com/v/Sdlr0H2Z/file.html I tried the steps above and it didn't work. i tried both udev and sdl2. thank you in advanced.
RE: dragonrise generic encoders
@Markus Hello did you ever get a response for your issue? i'm still having the same problem. thank you
RE: recalbox and retropie kernal (buttons problem)
@rockaddicted I apologize I honestly forgot I had posted it. I'm building a new machine now. Is there a way to see your old posts here?
RE: recalbox and retropie kernal (buttons problem)
@voljega the encoder boards are called dragonrise generic encoder boards. raspberry pi 3 and it's running the latest version of recalbox
recalbox and retropie kernal (buttons problem)
Hello I am having a problem with my buttons where the second player registers as the first every time. When I contacted the manufacturer they sent me a kernal update for retropie. I wasn't sure if they have they same kernal so I didn't download it. also while in game I can fix the problem by unplugging both encoder boards and than plugging in the player one first and player 2 second. it goes back as soon as I leave the game though.
recalbox and retropie kernal (buttons problem)
Hello I am having a problem with my buttons where the second player registers as the first every time. When I contacted the manufacturer they sent me a kernal update for retropie. I wasn't sure if they have they same kernal so I didn't download it. also while in game I can fix the problem by unplugging both encoder boards and than plugging in the player one first and player 2 second. it goes back as soon as I leave the game though
dragonrise generic encoders
I recently purchased some encoders (https://smile.amazon.com/gp/product/B01FZ797OC/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1) and after plugging them in and programming them they worked like they should. however once I started up a game the controller inverted left became right and up became down. If i only have one plugged in it works perfectly. I have tried to program them inverted, but they just stay that way. I also tried to go to the configuration by ssh, but I don't know where the programming would be for the controller. please help. also the joysticks are sanwa. thank you in advance.