hello, thanks for reply I use win7 with antivirus and firewall disabled. In the shell of recalbox (using ssh) which daemon do I check? thanks
Posts made by polhallen
RE: ping netbios from windows
ping netbios from windows
Hello, after installed recalbox I can successfully ping IP of recalbox but not netbios name:
neither recalbox or recalbox.local reply me
How can I investigate?
RE: Problema avvio Reclabox
penso di non avere capito... se all'avvio selezioni "verbose" si avvia fino ad un certo punto ma non parte l'interfaccia grafica.
E' così o rimane fermo non appena accendi?
install recalbox to ssd usb
Hello, is there a way to switch recalbox install from micro sd to ssd usb drive (raspberry)
here there's an example using raspbian on Pi4 and ssd: https://www.tomshardware.com/news/raspberry-pi-4-ssd-test,39811.html)
install recalbox to ssd usb drive (Pi4)
Hello, is there a way to switch recalbox install from micro sd to ssd usb drive (raspberry)
here there's an example using raspbian on Pi4: https://www.tomshardware.com/news/raspberry-pi-4-ssd-test,39811.html)
beta (alpha) img for raspberry 4
is there available beta or alpha version to testing for raspberry 4?
thanks -
RE: Restart ES doesn't work (pc x64)
Have you ever used pc version? The problem happens only with that version... x86 and x64 versions.
I downloaded 6.1.1 version from here: https://recalbox-releases.s3.nl-ams.scw.cloud/stable/v2/upgrade/x86_64/recalbox-x86_64.img.xz?source=install
put a hard disk to usb case and using etcher 1.5.108 (https://www.balena.io/etcher/) to write img file to disk
next I putted hard drive on pc and started it
First boot everything works, when I reboot and startup again I've the problem.
I tried with many browser (firefox, brave 1.13.82, chromium 83.0.x)
I using "restart ES" for testing purpose.
thanks for help
RE: Restart ES doesn't work (pc x64)
Hi Zing, thanks for you reply
I tried with 2 different hard drive, two times with x86 e x64 but I've same error
Restart ES doesn't work (pc x64)
Hello, I'd like report that from browser, "restart es" doesn't work: only stop ES but doesn't restart.
remove all emulators (keep only one)
Hi folks,
I'd like have only an emulator (nes)So, removing from /recalbox/share/roms/ all roms and keeping only nes works, but after reboot recalbox I have again all emulatos.
Any idea?
autostart an emulationstation (ie: nintendo)
Hey folks
I'd like autostart (automatically) after startup an emulationstation (ie: nintendo)is it possible and how?
thanks for help