I did that already.
I just reconfigured now the Keyboard and it works.
I did that already.
I just reconfigured now the Keyboard and it works.
im using this GAMEHAT Wiki for the setup.
Im using Raspberry 4.
Trying to EXIT games with START + SELECT is not working.
Do i have to use another keymap?
controllers.gpio.args=map=5 gpio=5,6,13,19,21,4,26,12,23,20,16,18,-1
controllers.gpio.args=map=4 gpio=5,6,13,19,21,4,26,12,23,20,16,18,-1
Thank you
Hey guys,
i would like to put a bash script into recalbox that should be executed on every startup.
Where excatly do i need to put it?
Things, that i've done so far:
mount -o remount,rw /
However, when i run the script with
"bash /recalbox/share/system/"
it works, but its not working automatically, when i start the Raspberry. Do i need to remount it every time or what seems to be the problem? Thanks!
I would like to activate WiFi before the first start and save the WiFi password + name. Does it have to be activated during operation? I am currently making a "finished" memory card and therefore do not have an HDMI + controller connection.
It looks like in older versions we could set it in recalbox.conf but this file is not available in 7.1.1.
That would be helpful!
ich würde gerne WiFi bereits vor dem ersten Starten aktivieren und das WLAN Passwort + Namen hinterlegen. Muss es zwingend im laufenden Betrieb aktiviert werden? Ich mache mir gerade eine "fertige" Speicherkarte und habe deswegen noch keinen HDMI + Controller Anschluss.
Das wäre sehr hilfreich!