Hey peoples, firstable, thx to make dream become true. The child inside me bless you. Well, i've a few questions about the new recalboxOS. It's about screen compatibility. For some reason, there's some screen (hdmi) who need drivers to work. Is it possible now to install external driver on the recalBox ? I bought last week ago, a 7inch LCD screen on amazon, a waveshare screen. It work in HDMI with my computer or my PS3, but he doesn't work on my Pi2. I read on their wiki that i need to install some drivers. How could do that ?
Best posts made by ow-henne-waihiti
RE: Official recalbox 4.0.0 beta thread
Latest posts made by ow-henne-waihiti
RE: Your recalbox / Vos recalbox
Bonjour à tous, j'aimerai moi aussi créer ma propre borne d'arcade. Mais j'ai un soucis avec l'écran que j'ai acheté, il n'a pas l'air d'être compatible avec mon Pi2. Quand je le branche à mon ordinateur ou à ma playstation via un cable HDMI, il fonctionne sans problème (la qualité et d'ailleurs bluffante) mais une fois brancher sur mon Pi2, j'ai un écran blanc. J'ai cru comprendre qu'il fallait que j'installe éventuellement des pilotes extérieurs, est ce que c'est possible ? Si oui, comment s'y prendre. Sinon avez vous des recommandations pour des écrans 7 ou 10 pouces qui fonctionnerai directement, type plug and play ? Merci Hi everyone, i'd like to create my own arcade bartop too. But i've some problems with my 7inch screen, i feel that it's not compatible with my Pi2. When i plug my screen on my computer or playstation with HDMI cable, it's work, but on my Pi2, i've just a white screen. I read somewhere that i may need to install some externals pilots. Is it possible ? If it was, i could i do that ? Otherwise, if you guys, have some suggestions for 7 or 10inch screen who work directly, plug-n-play, on Pi2, i'm interessted. Thx a lot Voici l'écran que j'ai acheté pour info/here's the screen i bought http://www.waveshare.com/7inch-hdmi-lcd-c.htm
RE: Official recalbox 4.0.0 beta thread
Hey peoples, firstable, thx to make dream become true. The child inside me bless you. Well, i've a few questions about the new recalboxOS. It's about screen compatibility. For some reason, there's some screen (hdmi) who need drivers to work. Is it possible now to install external driver on the recalBox ? I bought last week ago, a 7inch LCD screen on amazon, a waveshare screen. It work in HDMI with my computer or my PS3, but he doesn't work on my Pi2. I read on their wiki that i need to install some drivers. How could do that ?
RE: WIP Minitel Arcade
Salut, super intéressant ton projet. Dis moi, quelle type d'écran tu utilises ? Taille, marque, prix ? Parce que moi aussi je suis entrain de monter ma propre borne inspiré directement du Pimoroni Picade, et je me suis payé un écran chez Waveshare, il marche super. (j'ai branché mon mac dessus) mais il n'est pas reconnu par mon Pi2.
De ce que j'ai compris il faut que j'installe des drivers dessus mais, je crois qu'au dernière nouvelle il est impossible d'installer des pilotes externes sur l'OS du recall, surtout si il faut recompiler derrière, non ?
RE: Adafruit PiTFT 3.5" Screen compatibility???
Hi, man i have the same problems. I want to build a arcade bartop, with 7inch screen from waveShare. I need to install some driver on the OS, but it doesn't work for me. Sound like, you can't install any externalsdrivers on the recalbox. You need to rebuild the package. Well, if you have more informations about it. I'm interesseted.