How we open roms forlder as root in Linux? I was able doin that in Elementary OS but in Ubuntu (i freshly installed 18.04) can not figure a way to do it. I lalso installed Nautilus-admin but it does not work, at least for me. Any suggestions, please? Thanks in advance
Posts made by niculinux
Opening roms forlder as root in linux
Bind a gamepad button to activate/deactivate retrojoy in c64 emulator?
As title says, may be possible to do that? Keyboard to work in c64 emualator actually require retrojoy is off, that would be comfortable fo the end user withoit goin insane switching between game and menu Any suggestions? Thanks in advance, whatever
RE: Problemi con psx
@omar-gastoldi quali sono i giochi che ti danno problemi, quelli per playstation o quelli per PSP? Anch'io ho alcuni giochi psx ed alcuni si avviano ed altri no, potrebbe essere un problema di incompatibilità dell'emulatore di recalbox credo. Che gamepad usi?
RE: Formato giochi Playstation one per recalbox?
Grazie, in realtà ho alcuni files .bin che ho convertito in .iso, ma non tutti funzionano; può darsi che l'emulator non sia ancor compatibile con tutti i giochi?
RE: emulatore c64
In effetti secondo oa mia esperienza funziona meglio con i files .t64 ed i .tap mebtre hs diversi problemi coi .d64 (dovr spesso si blocca sul caricamento); inoltre a prescinder dal formato non funziona con tutti o giochi, questo almeno sulla 18.03.30, speriam nel prossimo aggiornamento!
RE: 08.02.19 e configurazione amiga
@starbury in effetti oltre l'amiberry implementato su recalbox che non supporta ancora certe cose anche la scelta del controller è importante, ti suggerisco di dare un'occhiata qua: -
RE: emulatore c64
@giubbe-de-giubbix riguardo al retrojoy guarda il terzo post in questo thread:
inoltre la tastiera virtuale web funziona meglio di quella del c64 ma comunque ho non son riuscito a far partire "james bond: diamonds are forever"; inoltre gryzor (il port di contra su c64) il gioco si avvia ma col mio pad ( un ibuffalo) non si riese a saltare e dopo poco si resetta ai titoli di testa. Credo l'emulatore debba essere aggiornato prima possibile sigh
RE: 08.02.19 e configurazione amiga
@starbury said in 08.02.19 e configurazione amiga:
dc10d7bdd1b6f450773dfb558477c230 questo è il mio kick 20
[...]l'hash relativo al kickstart 2.0 è quello relativo in realtà al kickstart 2.04 - rev37.175 - utilizzato dall'amiga a500+ Spero che la wiki venga aggironata perchè è l'unico di cui manca la revisione specifica nella pagina: -
RE: Differenze tra recalbox e batocera?
@giubbe-de-giubbix grazie! in effetti ci sono poche fonti sull'argomento (non in italiano peraltro) e mi pareva d'aver capito che avesse qualcosa in più di aggiornato rispetto a recalbox. Grazie ancora!
Bluetooth controllers on recalbox
Hey, kinda something i stumbled across luteralli by accident:
ive seen that in
sftp://recalbox.local/var/lib/bluetooth/B8:27:EB:38:DF:71/ (the last is the name of my raspberry bloetooth)there is a file named settings, opening it appears as following:
Discoverable=falsechangin it to true and rebooting i hope it make my android phone "connectible" but though the raspy and my phone - equipped with virtual gamepad blyetooth - see each other both wont estabilish any connection; i favt changes are not saved
I did no go deep into the matter because all these virtual android gamepad need a server yo bd installed on the receiving unit; the recalbox in my case so gonna stick to wired usb controllers.Sidenote: how ww insert code snippets in the posts on the forum? The template give possibility only to make strike, bold and italic text. Thanks again!
RE: 08.02.19 e configurazione amiga
@starbury amiberry su recalbox 18.03.30 funziona solo al momento con le versioni kickstart di cui alla wiki:
RE: Virtual gamepad/keyboard (still) does not work properly
Very ending note for today, i promise! Actually the only way the virtual pad works for me is to set as player 1 input in the controller config options screen. Suppose on 2 player game it would work as input player 2 but that'all for today!
Ive also used bluetooth virtual gamepad app from the play store and both phone and raspberry 3 (im using a mod b) see each other but are not able no enstabilish a connection, because these apps - provided bluetooth or not - nedd a server to be installed on the receiving machine the raspi in my case, but since it is too much for me gonna not even try
RE: 08.02.19 e configurazione amiga
@starbury steano a me riguardo il pad virtuale nei giochi console e amiga non funxiona mentre il touchpad e la tastiera si.
Speriamo che coi prossimi aggiornamenti risolvano
RE: Virtual gamepad/keyboard (still) does not work properly
@substring tryed in first place out of the box, (see above) but nothing. Gonna try virtual keyboard with dosbox and see what happens next
edit: tryed "commander keen: keen dreams" the keyboard is OK but goin in the calibrate joystick section both virtual and real ones (i got 2 usb plugged in in 2 of 4 ports on my raspberry pi 3) work, pressing, nothing happens so i have to use the virtual keyboard to quit! A real mini usb keyboard i have is ok too instead.
Edit 2: sorry forgot to mention: actually in keen dreams gamepad works without even calibration, but onli in-game But then again i guess it depends from game to game since i tryed some time ago descent and though i was able to complete the calibration procedure, only firing buttons (lasers and missile) worked
So we're have to wait for next version to see virtual hardware improvement i guess
RE: Virtual gamepad/keyboard (still) does not work properly
@substring said in Virtual gamepad/keyboard (still) does not work properly:
@niculinux that's in chrome options
sorry, got it it was my oversight! Actually i am not able to define the left trigger, so i left it along the right because touching the left one nothing happens, or better the pad detects the up on the d-pad being pressed so there it is kinda a "dead zone" but at touch the right one responds and even vibrates not sat it. But still it works flawlessy only on emulation station but nope in games. Also tryed samsung iternet browser, chrome for android and firefox but nothing happens .(
RE: Virtual gamepad/keyboard (still) does not work properly
@substring said in Virtual gamepad/keyboard (still) does not work properly:
@niculinux i consider any virtualthing as emergency case, nit for erveryday playtime. Now i haven't tried using the vkb inside games
me too actually, but it is a great commodity indeed! As soon as i will have some time gonna try againg: maybe it is irrilevant but it may depend also by the browser used? Tested on retal Samsung web browser that come with the phone. Do you advice some browser in particular?
Edit: i've not try to configure it in the emulation station as real physical ones, gonna try that too asap ! Dont' know if is possible, meanwhile the most updated wiki (2017 currently) tells to use chrome:
i installed it but cannot see "add to home screen" menu entry. Some specific verison is needed ? -
RE: Problemi Aiutatemi pls
@thegame78-clash-royale non so scusa, io uso recalbox da circa un mese e mezzo e mai avuto problemi. Prova a reinstallarlo su una scheda SD e reinstallalo. Segui la wiki: -
Virtual gamepad/keyboard (still) does not work properly
I've tryed a bit virtual gamepad on recalbox 18.03. 30 adn it still - at least to me - gives trouble: in ES it works fine, all Kìkeys are functional, but once i launched a game with it it worked flawlessy only once, exiting and launching other games did not work anymore :,( I've tryed also to reload the web page, turning on and off the phone but nothing. Im on an android Samsung s6. peraphs it is a web program bug?
Gave a shot also to the virtual keyboard, wit amiberry and VICE emulators and seems to be enough fnctional, but not with all games especially on c64 i was not able to launch "007: diamonds are foerever" game", actually neither with c64 virtual keyboard.
Anyone had same issues or it is just me?
RE: 08.02.19 e configurazione amiga
@starbury dovresti seguir le istruzioni della wiki e collegarti all'indirizzo ip ri recalbox, per visualizzarlo entra da emulation station nelle impostazioni di rete, e accanto al campo "indirizzo ip" vedrai un numero; digitalo nel tuo browser ed andrai sull'applicazione web "recalbox manager". E' più semplice da fare che da spiegare, è come un sito web poi se premi su un icone mi pare in alto a sinistra o destra avrai varie opzioni disponibili
@PaoloGiulio: grazie quando avrò tempo provero
Differenze tra recalbox e batocera?
Buonasera! Lungi dall'essere un seminator di discordie ma, anche in base alle vostre esperienze se ne avete, quali sono le differenzen con batocera? Ho cercato un po sul web ma non avuto un quadeo chiaro della situazione
Grazie in anticipo in ogni caso!