Hey there!
A few weeks ago I switched to RecalBox and I absolutely love it so far.
I used some time lately to reorganize my library of games.
Before I had a little smaller library and ghost/phantom input just rarely happened. For example: When I scroll down the game list of a platform, it would just go on until I press another key.
Now that my library is bigger, it happens much more. Actually so often that I can't use my controller in Emulationstation anymore.
Here is what I use:
Raspberry Pi 3b
Asus BT 4.0 Dongle
Sony Dual Shock 4
8bitdo NES30 Pro
Rii i8+ Keyboard
These input problems do not happen when I use the Rii i8+ Keyboard, which came with his own dongle.
It does happen with both Controllers. Doesn't make a difference if I use my BT Dongle or the onboard BT.
What I still need to try is if it happens when I use a cable connected to a controller.
What's the cause of the problem?
Since it only happens in the game list, I assume that the huge amount of scraped images are causing it(?)
Can you reduce it somehow? New/other Bluetooth dongle? Wait for the RecalBox Version for the 3b+?
Overclock higher than 1300Mhz?
Anything that could help is appreciated.