Hi, this is my project with recalbox, please give me your's comment!
Best posts made by kalle67
My little Barcade
RE: Favorite folder cleaning
@zing said in Favorite folder cleaning:
To add or remove a game from favorites, just go over it and press Y (assuming you are using an SNES joystick, if not the one on your joystick). If the game is already favorited, it will leave the favorites, if not already, it will favorit.
Thank you very much for helping.
RE: My little Barcade
This afternoon I decided to make some changes, here are the photos of the finished project.
Mame romset
Hello, which romset mame do you recommend for Recalbox?
Latest posts made by kalle67
RE: Avvio Recalbox
@zing Grazie mille ho risolto, il mio sistema gira su un minipc NUC, ma il problema era nel fatto che avessi sbagliato a collegare un pulsante che al posto di essere normalmente aperto, era normalmente chiuso. Grazie e scusate il ritardo nell'avervi comunicato la risoluzione del problema.
Setting start
Hi everyone, can you tell me why when I start recalbox, it doesn't start from the games but the settings menu appears?
Thank you -
Avvio Recalbox
Ciao a tutti, mi sapete dire come mai quando avvio recalbox, non inizia dai giochi ma mi appare il menù delle impostazioni?
Grazie -
RE: Wifi Problem.
Nothing to do, I tried everything but there is nothing to do, the wifi does not work. I gave up and wired the cable.
RE: Wifi Problem.
@oyyodams said in Wifi Problem.:
please check your recalbox.conf file, you may have duplicate wifi entries.
Thanks try to check.
RE: Wifi Problem.
@zing The version of the Recalbox is 6.0, I restarted the system many times but it always makes the same error, I also tried to enter the password directly in the configuration file, but it always returns the default one.
RE: Wifi Problem.
@zing Sorry you're right, I have a raspberry Pi3b +, if I connect via cable no problem, if I connect with wifi every time the system starts up again I have to enter the password.
Wifi Problem.
Excuse me if I disturb, this problem is proposed to me, every time I start Recalbox it has to insert the WIFI password, it doesn't keep me saved, you know why?
RE: Favorite folder cleaning
@zing said in Favorite folder cleaning:
To add or remove a game from favorites, just go over it and press Y (assuming you are using an SNES joystick, if not the one on your joystick). If the game is already favorited, it will leave the favorites, if not already, it will favorit.
Thank you very much for helping.