@zing My bad! Your resources already contained the solution. Thank you!
Posts made by Jabba90
RE: Change Hotkeys for Mupen64Plus standalone
RE: Change Hotkeys for Mupen64Plus standalone
@zing Alright, I'll check it again. Thank you!
RE: Wifi
@marcus1966 network settings, enable wifi, select ssid, enter password, done
RE: Change Hotkeys for Mupen64Plus standalone
@zing Unfortuantely all your links refer to topics on "how to configure controller a,b,c for n64 games". I know how to do it for both the standalone and the libretro emulators. My problem is that I cannot change the hotkey combinations for the standalone emulator and be able to also use the libretro emulator.
Adding the line "n64.configfile=dummy" into my recalbox.conf has the result that retroarch don't recognize my previous used usb controller anymore.
Do I miss something?
RE: Change Hotkeys for Mupen64Plus standalone
@zing Thanks, I'll check the references and will present my findings later
Change Hotkeys for Mupen64Plus standalone
I'm very glad that the mupen64plus standalone emulators are back for the recalbox. Unfortunately I tackled an issue...
I would like to change my hotkeys for this emulator using the \recalbox\share\system\configs\mupen64\mupen64plus.cfg file.
Everytime I start the emulator the settings changes back to the original ones.I figured out one possible solution which is to add the line "n64.configfile=dummy" into the \recalbox\share\system\recalbox.conf file.
However, with this change everytime I start the libretro emulator it says "failed saving config to dummy" and I'm not able to to any inputs.So with this solution I can have my preferred settings in either the standalone or the libretro emulator. Of course I would like to have them using both
I know in retropie there is a file /opt/retropie/configs/all/autoconf.cfg in which I have to chnage the value for "mupen64plus_hotkeys" in order to keep my hotkey changes in the mupen64plus.cfg file. But using recalbox I wasn't able to find this file yet.
Does anyone have a clue for a solution of my problem?
Btw. I also have the same problem with the retroarchcustom.cfg. All changes I do there (e.g. for setting different hotkey combos) won't be kept as well.
Thanks in advance!
Extreme Overlocking values Pi4
Hey everyone,
can someone please tell me the exact overlocking settings for the extreme option on a raspberry pi 4?
Are there more changes than over_voltage, arm_freq and gpu_freq?Thanks in advance!
RE: How to change hotkey combinations in Retroarch
btw, I'm using the current version of recalbox (7.2.1 Reloaded) with a raspberry pi 4b
How to change hotkey combinations in Retroarch
Hey everyone,
I wanna play N64 games. In order to keep my save files, retroarch needs to be properly closed, otherwise my save games will be deleted.
For this purpose I need to enter the retroarch menu via a hotkey combination (hotkey + ButtonX).
I can change (or disable) the hotkey manually using the retroachcustom.cfg and this will be saved. However, if I change the other button for the hotkey combination (eg. ButtonX -> ButtonY) this setting will be overridden when opening retroarch again.
I'm using the input remap when starting retroarch with the Mupen64Plus_Next core but this shouldn't make a difference right?
Is there any opportunity to make changes to the hotkeys? I would like to disable every hotkey option except of entering the retroarch menu.
Btw, I also have a similar issue when I'm trying to use different graphic plugins. These options are also not saved.
Thanks in advance!
RE: N64 Controller recalbox 7.1.1
@rollbrett Wie kann ich den denn in Retroarch neu konfigurieren?
Ich hab so einen Dragonrise Inc. N64 Controller, von welchem im Forum mehrfach die Rede ist, leider bekomm ich den nicht ordentlich eingestellt.
Bisher habe ich es im ES selbst, dann der mupen64 config und in der Datei input.xml (im gleichen Ordner) versucht.Einer meiner Vorredner spricht davon, dass der Standart Emulator/core für das N64 nicht mehr der Mupen64 ist? Liegt es daran, dass nichts passiert wenn ich die Datei in .../config/mupen64/ änder?
Die genaue Belegung meines Controllers habe ich per ssh Verbindung herausgefunden nur bekomm ich die Tasten nicht richtig zugewiesen.
In einer älteren Version vor ca. 2 Jahren hatte ich das mit diesem Controller mal hinbekommen. Nun bin ich auf nen Raspi4 mit der aktuellesten Version 7.2.1 Reloaded umgestiegen und bekomm es einfach nicht hin.Bin auch nicht der technisch versierteste....
Danke schonmal!