Best posts made by gothrek
RE: Configurare tastiera per emulatore MSX
@biodo bene per il wifi, per la tastiera rimandandiamo
dammi qualche voto se ti ho risolto i problemi che scrivo tanto ma se non arrivo a 3 punti ogni volta devo aspettare per scrivere
a parte tutto, sto facendo delle prove anche io per la tastiera, se trovo il modo ti aggiorno.
RE: Recalbox opinión (soy nuevo)
cerca de la velocidad (perdona mi castillano) el problema no es de retropie o recalbox sino che la PI tiene una CPU y una memoria limitada para emularlo.
Mas se intenta emular juegos que funcionavan en consolas actuales mas necesitas un hardware parecido para emularlo.
Distinto son los viejos que se emulan sin problemas.
Yo he probado varios de N64 però en ninguno he tenido problemas con la PI3B, pero ya estamos al limite. -
RE: [WIP]Theme Comic Book
any new edition complete with x68000, amiga 500/600 1200 adn nintendo ds?
tks man a great theme!!
SD sandisk 200Gb work verygood
Hi guys,
my experience with:
was be very good.
All works very 2 cents
@te2ko cuando instalas noobs te va a salir un elenco de sistemas, elige recalbox. Ese va a descargar la ultima version, reinicia y listo.
instalar recalbox o pasar por noob es praticamente igual (pocos megas de diferencia), pero te garantiza el funcionamiento.
(disculpa mi castellano)
Organization e scraper amstrad/zx spectrum, how?
Hi guys,
someone organize the amstrad or zx spectrum roms, and scrap them?I dont understand some things, if someone can help me.
- i have a lot of roms with [a] [a1][b] tags, i understand thats are alternative version?
- well, i think that i need to separe these roms 1 by 1 (i dont found any no intro/parent list).
- many roms have more parts (part1, part 2 ecc), when u scrap the directory how can put only 1 of this (i need to hide one by one from recalbox?) and if i hide the other parts and play with part 1, all work? i can play the full game?
plz hel pme to understand a bit more about amstrad and zx spectrum.
tks a lot.
Latest posts made by gothrek
Changelog 7.2.2
Hi, where is the new changelog?
its possible on download page add it.
tks a lot.
Where is a changelog 7.2?
hi, someone know where is the changelog 7.2?
i try to found it for all site
if click on download there isnt a link for go back to home -
RE: Nintendo 3ds for x64
Doesnt have?
maybe some errors here:
Nintendo 3ds for x64
Hi guys, i dont understand where i must put nintendo 3ds roms for x64. Can u help me?
RE: 6.1 intellivision frogger/defend dont works
now works, defender perfect, frogger, flashing cars and other objects
HD large more then 2T with RB6.1.1
Hi, with this version (6.1.1) i can use HD large more then 2T like batocera 5.24? or still not?
tks -
RE: 6.1 update dont overwrite files
@oyyodams tks for reply,
we are talking about readme.txt files, or bios.txt.
its no sense because these files have all infos, and the infos changes with the update.
i understand, roms, or bios files, but txt?!? if txt file change need to update them. -
RE: Apple IIGS
i try but nothing,
all games dont worksi try with rb3 and pcx64